Webcast: Demonstrating SQL Server Consolidation 12/6/2006 @ 12:00 Many have talked about consolidation of your SQL Server farm as one of the meaningful ways to get more out of your systems. By using instances, and the right approach and tools, you can save money, increase capacity and at the same time Sr SQL DBA Senior DBA for database analysis (existing SQL database), identifying integrity issues, setting up maintenance schedules, and optimization of the existing SQL 2000 database and server environment. SQL Server Database Administrator SQL Server Log shipping, Replication, Clustering. DTS pkgs and T-SQL. Physical database design for SQL Server 2000. Problem solving skills, self-starter, good communication, team player. College degree or equivalent Do You See Being a "DBA" Changing? 11/6/2006 Featured Article(s)SQL Server and XML(Saghir Taj) Microsoft introduced XML in SQL Server 2000; they’ve included a number of different ways to manipulate data as well-formed XML. Firstly, there’s the SQL XML support. Technical Support Engineer Windows 2000 Server SQL IIS XP C Technical Support Engineer Windows 2000 Server SQL IIS XP Cambridge MICRO CONCEPTS was formed in 1989 by a team of engineering consultants to provide the latest computer-aided solutions to the mechanical design industries. SQL Server 2005 SP2 Nov CTP is HERE!!! Well, SQL Server SP2 Nov CTP is being released today so I hope you’re all ready for it. 433365 - Need to change SQLCE references to SQL Server Everywhere When attempting to edit a legacy (SQL 2000) DTS package with multiple .NET SQL Web Developer NET, C#, with Windows 2000 SQL Server and SQL databases. Other environmentals include Access 97 databases, Btrieve or Pervasive databases, all running on Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, and Windows XP platforms. Copying a Table from Oracle 10G XE to SQL 2000 Server using DTS This tutorial is an exercise in such a fer from Oracle 10G XE to SQL 2000 server using Data Transformation Services. I urge readers to review the articles on DTS in particular and data migration in general on the ASP Free site to SQL 2000 Remote Connections Forum: Microsoft SQL Server Posted By: fixitchris Post Time: 11-06-06 at 16:04 Copying a Table from Oracle 10G XE to SQL 2000 Server using DTS Sometimes data stored in a large scale database such as Oracle or MS SQL Server may be ferred to smaller desktop database applications such as MS Access MS Visual FoxPro etc. This tutorial is an exercise in such a fer from
dotNetHell.it - Tips - Come numerare le righe con SQL Server 2000 dotNetHell una delle pi fornite Community Italiane dedicate allo sviluppo di applicazioni basate su architettura Microsoft .NET. SysAdmin.it - Guide e Articoli: SQL Server 2000: Config. e Amm SQL Server 2000 è il database server di Microsoft per la piattaforma Windows NT, SQL Server 2000 è un RDBMS che gestisce e memorizza i dati in tabelle Scheda corso OverNet Education Amministrazione di Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - Intensive Comprendere le funzionalità di High Availability in SQL Server 2000. Materiale didattico: Prosygma Hosting asp, hoster ASP, dotnet, ACCESS Microsoft SQL server 2000 è oggi la soluzione di database più potente nel mondo. Base Sql Server 2000 100 Mb 95 Euro TTC al mese. FAQ: SQL Server 2000 editions Learn what SQL Server 2000 editions exist and what is the difference between them. MSSQLCity.Com - all about MS SQL (SQL Server Articles, FAQ, Scripts, MS SQL 2000 Server Information Information about MS SQL Server 2000 and downloads are available at: A successful setup and installation of MS SQL Server 2000 is assumed to have Corso "SQL Server 2000 Progettazione e Implementazione Database Sono un ingegnere freelance in grado di progettare corsi in ambito IT, con vari anni di esperienza al riguardo, e di sviluppare soluzioni dedicate per il MS SQL 2000 Database Server Host, SQL Server Web Hosting, Website Planet Hosting provides reliable and fast web hosting service for MS SQL database on windows and Linux servers at affordable rates.