Open Question: Configuring Outlook Express to send outgoing Gmail When I try to send an outgoing Gmail e-mail through Outlook Express, I run into an error, which is probably attributed to my ISP. The error always states: Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for this Open Question: I am now getting am 0x800ccc92 error when logging I use Outlook to access my btinternet mail and all was fine until last week, but I now get an 0x800ccc92 error from the ougoing SMTP server when I try and send mail. I can still log onto the incoming POP3 server OK and get me mail and I Open Question: "Why do .jpg attachments FROM yahoo net-mail fail The same .jpg attachments decode properly when sent from a POP3 server and Outlook Express Web 2.0 Summit - Highlights Yahoo - almost everyone uses Yahoo Mail and others use services such as Horoscopes, Photos, Games. One mother said that she occaisionaly uses Yahoo Search when she enters a search by mistake in her Yahoo toolbar. Open Question: I am in India what is outgoing mail server name in to configure outlook express in e-mail server names Open Question: Problem in connecting Yahoo with Outlook2000? When I tried to connect to Yahoo in Outlook,I encoundered some problems. I followed all the instructions specified at Information I provided are : Incoming server mail : Open Question: not accessible? I've been trying to access my yahoo mailbox for an hour but all I get are timeout messages. Is there something wrong with the mail server Open Question: incoming server and outgoing server for the e-mail when i use my microsoft outlook, i need to open an account. i have an e-mail address at Yahoo website, so i need the incoming server and outgoing server for the please help me ! thank your for your time Open Question: Yahoo mail POP access leaving on server? I am a Yahoo plus user and have set up my mail client to download messages via pop. My problem is, I forgot to check 'leave mail on server' so all of my messages for the past 5 years have been removed from yahoo's servers. Any problems here O2 - BHO: Yahoo! Toolbar Helper - {02478D38-C3F9-4EFB-9B51-7695ECA05670} - C:\Program Files\Yahoo! O23 - Service: AVG7 Alert Manager Server (Avg7Alrt) - GRISOFT, O23 - Service: AVG E-mail Scanner (AVGEMS) - GRISOFT,
Indirizzi Pop3 Smtp - server di posta - Forum Torre Vado nel Ricordiamo che il server SMTP di un certo provider è utilizzabile solamente se siete connessi Pop3: Smtp: Melyssa Internet Provider Brescia - Server POP3 e SMTP IT,,, NEOMEDIA ADSL. SUPEREVA.IT, (Super Eva ha disabilitato l'uso dei server per l'invio e Come configurare il server posta in uscita smtp - FAQ Yahoo (autentication needed) VCI: 35 ; Indirizzo IP: Assegnato dal server ;Indirizzo del server dei nomi: Assegnato dal server Problema col server Yahoo! Connessione al server fuori tempo massimo. E caso strano accedendo a Yahoo! Mail dal sito lo staff di yahoo mi avevano mandato un Yahoo! Answers - Exchange Server e numero e-mail smistate? 1 answer - Vorrei sapere se con Exchange Server è possibile conoscere il numero di e-mail smistate (inviate e ricevute) da quando è stato installato o