org.mule.modules: Mule Bootstrap 1.3.1 Classes used to boot up the Mule server org.mule: Mule Core 1.3.1 Mule server and core classes Starting the Server updated You can have a look at the [dependency report|http://mule.codehaus. org/docs/modules/mule-core/dependencies.html] for the server and each of the modules to see exactly which jars are required for a particular module. org.mule.modules: JCA Resource Adapter 1.3.1 A Resource Adapter implementation that allows a Mule instance to be deployed to a Java EE application server and exposes Mule services via the JCA connector architecture org.mule.modules: Mule Modules 1.3.1 These are the modules that comprise the Mule platform. mule-core is the main server module and port modules are prepended with '-port-' org.mule.ports: Tcp Transport 1.3.1 A Mule port for Tcp Connectivity. This port supplies a tcp Server and client implementation org.mule.ports: Http Transport 1.3.1 A Mule port for Http Connectivity. This port supplies a simple Http Server implementation org.mule.ports: SSL Transport 1.3.1 A Mule port for Socket connectivity using SSL authentication. This port supplies a tcp Server and client implementation over SSL Using Spring as a Component Factory updated As well as using the container context to load a mule-descriptor object implementation, it can be used to resolve dependent objects on any object configured on the Mule server such as endpoints former, connectors or agents. Mule Examples Webapp updated mule.war |- html and jsps |- WEB-INF |- mule-config.xml - The Mule server shared configuration |- mule-echo-config.xml - Configuration for the echo example component |- mule-hello-config.xml - Configuration for the hello example - eMule, un mulo per il filesharing Scaricare tanto e velocemente, questo quello che si ottiene con e-Mule! necessità di collegarsi ad un server centrale per poter condividere materiale. FishEye: file mule/branches/mule-1.4-connectordesign/distributions 7, <groupId>org.mule.distributions</groupId>. tcarlson, 2407, 8, <artifactId>mule-server</artifactId>. tcarlson, 3402, 9, <version>1.4-SNAPSHOT</version> $Id: 3794 2006-11-03 22:23:36Z holger This just displays the time the server shut down */ void shutdown() {"Mule server shutting dow due to normal shutdown request"); [mule-issues] [mule-jira] Commented: (MULE-717) WebServices [mule-issues] [mule-jira] Commented: (MULE-717) WebServices: Client functions seem to be pointing the wrong server functions. Alan Cassar (JIRA) Yahoo! Answers - server e-mule? 1 answer - mi si e cancellato il sito xl'aggiornamento server d ie-mule come faccio?????????
Yahoo! Answers - server e-mule? 1 answer - mi si e cancellato il sito xl'aggiornamento server d ie-mule come faccio????????? Yahoo! Answers - quale è il miglior server di e-mule? 7 answers - salve a tutti, volevo sapere come si capisce quale è il miglior server a cui connettersi nella lista ke ti dà e-mule. grazie. $Id: 3794 2006-11-03 22:23:36Z holger This just displays the time the server shut down */ void shutdown() {"Mule server shutting dow due to normal shutdown request"); server.met server met server-met server list edonkey server emule Lade die server.met bei Start von eMule von hier und bei Bedarf während der Laufzeit. NovaLinks .:. allDivX .:. T-Mule .:. Trojaner-Board .:. - e-Mule Etwa 98% aller e-Mule-Nutzer sind mit einem Server und somit dem ed2k-Netz (ed2k steht für eDonkey2000) verbunden. Der jeweilige Server speichert alle von muleide swf Begin by creating a new Mule project Begin by creating a new Mule Mule may be launched using it as the configuration input The Mule server is now Overview (Mule 1.3 API) org.mule.extras.spring.config, Classes for loading The Mule Server itself from a spring context, which make it easy to embed Mule with a Spring application. Mule : Mule Client The Mule Client is a simple interface for java clients to send and receive events from a Mule Server and other applications. The client serves the following