Web App Vulnerabilities Over Buffer Overflows WebProNews This should be an eye opener to many. In September Mitre reported that web application vulnerabilities are claiming the top three spots on their CVE request list, beating out Buffer Overflows. 1. Cross Site Scripting (21.5%) 2. SQL Injection (14%) 3. PHP includes (9.5%) 4. Buffer overflows (7.9%) Mike Sutton wanted to know just how prevalent are SQL Injection Vulnerabilities? So he Search for ET blocked by Sophos TechWorld Sysadmins to block distrubuted computing apps. Sysadmins are so annoyed by distributed computing apps that Sophos has created a new tool to block the programs. Report evaluates health indicators of Bay The Providence Journal Since August, members of Save the Bay have interviewed scientists and other environment experts and studied a wide range of academic papers, government reports and data related to the health of Narragansett Bay. No Immunity for Macs LinuxInsider.com Macintosh operating systems, specifically Mac OS X, have a reputation of being very secure, much more so than Windows XP. Apple touts that frequently and openly in its advertisements and television commercials. Is this reputation deserved? Frankly, yes, but with a big caveat -- the situation is changing. Microsoft and AOL - The BugBlog Report 10/16/06 Blogcritics.org Here are some of the most significant bugs from the past week in the BugBlog : With the official release of Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 soon upon us, you may want to know that Microsoft's IEBlog is reminding everyone that they recommend that you temporarily turn off all you anti-virus and and anti-spyware applications before you install IE7. They say that the installation makes so many
Buffer overflow: spiegazione tecnica ed esempio pratico [SIForge.org] Abstract Cos'è un buffer overflow? In questo articolo verrà analizzata una delle vulnerabilità più comuni nel software. Data di stesura: 19/02/2003 Microsoft Windows Server service buffer overflow vulnerability Microsoft Windows Server service buffer overflow vulnerability For: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition 64-Bit Edition IA64 64 EN, Defeating the Stack Based Buffer Overflow Prevention Mechanism of We have, of course, seen at least one major security hole appear in Windows 2003. Server, this being the DCOM IRemoteActivation buffer overflow discovered Microsoft Office 2003 PPT Local Buffer Overflow PoC bin/perl # #PPT 0day poc # #OFFICE 2003 full Patch # #3001afbc 8b01 mov eax,[ecx] ds:0023:00000000=???????? #3001afbe 56 push esi #3001afbf ff5014 call Microsoft Security Bulletin MS03-049 Buffer Overrun in the Workstation Service Could Allow Code Execution (828749). Issued: November 11, 2003 Updated: November 19, 2003 Version Number: 1.2
Microsoft Windows Server service buffer overflow vulnerability Microsoft Windows Server service buffer overflow vulnerability For: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition 64-Bit Edition IA64 64 EN, Microsoft Windows DNS client layer buffer overflow vulnerability Microsoft Windows contains a buffer overflow vulnerability that can allow remote For: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition x64 64 EN, Defeating the Stack Based Buffer Overflow Prevention Mechanism of We have, of course, seen at least one major security hole appear in Windows 2003. Server, this being the DCOM IRemoteActivation buffer overflow discovered Microsoft Office 2003 PPT Local Buffer Overflow PoC bin/perl # #PPT 0day poc # #OFFICE 2003 full Patch # #3001afbc 8b01 mov eax,[ecx] ds:0023:00000000=???????? #3001afbe 56 push esi #3001afbf ff5014 call Microsoft Security Bulletin MS03-049 Buffer Overrun in the Workstation Service Could Allow Code Execution (828749). Issued: November 11, 2003 Updated: November 19, 2003 Version Number: 1.2 Oracle Security Alert #59 Dated: 20 October 2003 Updated: 13 Updated: 13 November 2003. Severity: 2. Buffer Overflow in Oracle Database Server Binaries. Description. A potential buffer overflow has been discovered in Gentoo Linux Newsletter -- 22 Settembre 2003 Le nuove versioni di Gentoo 1.4 datate 11-9-2003 sono disponibili sui mirror e presso il Gentoo Gravità: Alta - buffer overflow exploitabile da remoto Neohapsis Archives - VulnWatch - #0166 - [VulnWatch] iDEFENSE [VulnWatch] iDEFENSE Security Advisory 03.31.03: Buffer Overflow in Windows QuickTime Player. From: iDEFENSE Labs (labs idefense.com) Date: Mon Mar 31 2003