info: DOMAIN

Podcasting. La radio fai-da-te è legale? - Studio Celentano - Gregoire, che ha registrato (il 16/09/2004) il domain name, ed e' diventato famoso grazie al video-jockey di MTV Adam Curry. Le prime dimostrazioni di come si potesse scaricare i . Computer beats humans at crosswords - - the computers did . The crossword competition was held partly in order to test the ability of Webcrow to carry out complex linguistic operations normally seen as the undisputed domain . Le mani sulla rete... - Articolo21 - Michael Gallagher, segretario aggiunto al Commercio del governo Usa, l'aveva detto chiaro e tondo: «La gestione dei domain name non sarà ceduta al controllo di un organismo internazionale, come . Google sfida Microsoft anche in ufficio - Il Corriere della Sera - Prima fra tutti la possibile integrazione in Google apps for your domain, di Writely e Spreadsheets , rispettivamente elaboratore di testi e foglio di calcolo via Internet, entrambi di proprietà del . Faccia di bronzo a Mountain View - Apoge Online - Google e la Chutzpah. Dopo Gmail for your domain , a Mountain View hanno deciso di lanciare Google for your domain , una suite di tool collaborativi per le piccole e medie aziende, completamente . Google attacca Microsoft e firma con eBay - 01Net - Google application for your domain” è il nome della suite che comprende Gmail, Google Talk, Calendar e Page Creator. Riservato a chi possiede un dominio Internet (ma Google si riserva la . USA: Pubblicità on line, intesa eBay-Google - WallStreet Italia - L’ultima trovata del dinamico duo di Mountain View consiste dunque nell’offerta alle aziende di un manipolo di applicazioni, ribattezzato Google apps for your domain , che consentirà alle imprese . Ecco le applicazioni di Google per le aziende - Computerworld Italia - Google ha lanciato il servizio Google Apps for Your Domain , ossia una suite gratuita di applicazioni di collaborazione offerte in hosting e indirizzate a piccole e medie imprese, università, gruppi . ThinPrint offre le email Push per Windows Mobile - Telefonio - Dopo la registrazione, i clienti ricevono un indirizzo email con la domain di Cortado e tutti i messaggi trasmessi a questo indirizzo saranno trasmessi direttamente tramite Direct-Push all'apparecchio. Domini .eu: bloccati 74 mila domini per inadempienza contrattuale - Trend Online - Tale comportamento, noto come ‘warehousing’, è illegale e per questo EURid, l’associazione no profit che gestisce il top level domain .eu, ha sospeso 74.000 nomi di dominio e ha agito contro .
Major Travel Company To Adopt .Travel Domain ( - Corporate travel and expense management specialist FCm Travel Solutions is set to be the first major corporate travel company in New Zealand to adopt the new .travel domain.. Eminent Domain Resolution OK'd (KLAS) - Clark County Commissioners have voted to approve measures that would restrict when the county can seize private land for eminent domain. Eminent domain can be a touchy subject because it involves the government taking a home or property from its owner for development.. Compromise may be in the works for GVSD eminent domain lawsuit (Phoenixville Phoenix) - EAST WHITELAND - A compromise may be in the works to allow a neighbor of the Great Valley High School and middle school to keep their home which has been the object of an eminent domain lawsuit by the school district.. Yolo to settle Conaway Ranch eminent domain lawsuit ( via Yahoo! Finance) - Yolo County has given up efforts to seize control of the 17,300-acre Conaway Ranch east of Davis with a settlement agreement that gives the county first rights to negotiate for the purchase of the ranch and its water if the owners decide to sell.. Port OKs Land Deal Through Eminent Domain (RedNova) - By Reed Fujii, The Record, Stockton, Calif. Sep. 6--STOCKTON -- Port commissioners approved to acquire, through eminent domain, roughly 3 acres south of Highway 4 at Daggett Road to make room for a signal light, turn lanes and other improvements at the intersection.. Creates an All in One Solution for Domain Name Investors Active in Search Marketing (PR Web) - utilizes a unique and exclusive technology to find and generate the most profits for domain name speculators (AKA - Domainers). With an ever-growing list of features, is a one of a kind all in one domain monetization solution. (PRWEB Sep 7, 2006). ROS fan loses Acorn domain in dispute ( - The new Acorn Computers Limited have taken off the hands of its original owner Roy Johnson following a domain name dispute hearing. The website was set up by Roy as an online roadmap to post-Acorn era companies, such as Castle and RISCOS Ltd.. Floyd County passes eminent domain ordinance ( - Steve Lohmeyer said the wording for eminent domain changed in the case of Kelo vs. New London. Because of that, individual states and counties have the right to adopt their own laws and ordinances concerning eminent domain.. Ordinance to let Floyd decide eminent domain (Louisville Courier-Journal) - With a groundswell of support from Floyds Knobs residents, the Floyd County Board of Commissioners voted 2-1 last night to give the county final say over whether a utility can condemn land in eminent-domain proceedings.. XU might use eminent domain (The Cincinnati Enquirer) - Xavier University is exploring the use of eminent domain to take privately owned houses to build a new business college..

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