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Eliminate Credit Card Debt (Sleepy Eye Herald Dispatch) - (ARA) - You've heard the old adage, pay down your credit card debt each month to avoid the nasty interest rate charges and fees that result from revolving balances.. True Debt Advisor Warns: The Season Begins for Credit Card Abuse (PR Web) - Thanksgiving is over, the stores are open early, and retailers are enticing shoppers with lower prices. The season has begun to abuse the plastic in our wallets. When the credit card statements arrive, many Americans will learn to resolve the extra strain on their budgets by learning how to legally eliminate 100% of their credit card debt, without bankruptcy, consolidation, or refinancing. (PRWeb . Careful Planning Helps Avoid Holiday Spending Hangovers (PR Web) - Holidays are a time of joy and merriment. However, it's hard to be merry when you're worrying about your rapidly growing credit card statement. With the following tips from Novadebt, consumers can take proactive steps to stop holiday debt before it starts. (PRWeb Nov 29, 2006) Post Comment:Trackback URL: Color of Money Book Club (Washington Post) - Michelle Singletary hosted authors Kalman Chany and Mark Kantrowitz for a discussion about November's Color of Money Book Club selections: . Thanks for Giving requests (Lincoln Journal Star) - The holiday season nears, and friends and family gather to enjoy the bounty of the year. While many enjoy this time, cheering their favorite teams to victory, others struggle to provide the basic necessities of food, clothing and shelter.. Advance America Calls Latest Payday Lending Study Misleading and Inaccurate (PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance) - Advance America , the nation's largest provider of payday advances, said a report issued today by the Center for Responsible Lending is yet another attempt by this special interest group to distribute misleading and inaccurate information to undermine consumers' ability to access funds for payday advances.. Wal-Mart, You've Got India Now; Don't Bungle It: Andy Mukherjee ( - Nov. 30 (Bloomberg) -- After abandoning disastrous forays in South Korea and Germany, Wal-Mart Stores Inc. is coming to India. The opportunity is no doubt sizzling, though if Wal-Mart is not careful, it might end up making a hash of it.. Make A December 1 Resolution To Not Get Fat Says Anti-Obesity Advocate MeMe Roth (PR Web via Yahoo! News) - New York, NY (PRWeb) November 30, 2006 -- www.. Nominees for Chief Justice (Part VI) ( - AS a service to our readers, is posting the bio-data of the nominees for Chief Justice as provided by their offices.. New Year's Resolutions On January 1 Are For Wimps--Make A December 1 Resolution To Not Get Fat Says Anti-Obesity (PR Web) - Realistic Tips for Not Gaining Weight This Holiday. (PRWeb Nov 30, 2006) Post Comment:Trackback URL:

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