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Eliminate Credit Card Debt (Sleepy Eye Herald Dispatch) - (ARA) - You've heard the old adage, pay down your credit card debt each month to avoid the nasty interest rate charges and fees that result from revolving balances.. Credit Card Debt Help (Evening Times) - (ARA) - Ever hear of indentured servitude? It's a historical concept that means you're basically working for free to pay off some obligation (like a share cropper). Ever just make your minimum credit card debt payments every month and feel like you are just spinning your wheels?. Preventing debt during the holiday shopping season makes good sense (The Hillsboro Argus) - Millions of consumers may find that their open hearts will lead to empty wallets this holiday season. Mike Sullivan, director of education for Take Charge America, a national nonprofit credit counseling agency, says shoppers don't need to go broke in order to spread some holiday cheer.. Don't Let December Debt Haunt Your New Year's Resolutions (Evening Times) - (ARA) - One of the top New Year's resolutions for Americans is to get out of debt and to better manage their money. Currently, consumer debt is at an all-time high and many people are still paying off their credit cards from last Christmas.. The Five Holiday Shopping Mistakes That Lead to Debt (PNN) - The holiday shopping season has begun in earnest and hundreds of thousands of shoppers will overspend and end up in debt. Association of Independent Consumer Credit Counseling Agencies warns consumers holiday debt can take months to repay.. True Debt Advisor Warns: The Season Begins for Credit Card Abuse (PR Web) - Thanksgiving is over, the stores are open early, and retailers are enticing shoppers with lower prices. The season has begun to abuse the plastic in our wallets. When the credit card statements arrive, many Americans will learn to resolve the extra strain on their budgets by learning how to legally eliminate 100% of their credit card debt, without bankruptcy, consolidation, or refinancing. (PRWeb . Behind on Debt Payments? You Have Options (Pekin Times) - (ARA) - A good majority of Americans have some amount of debt these days. And attitudes toward being in debt have changed quite a bit over the years. But many don't even know that they have options that will help them get out of debt.. Christmas On The Card (KWWL Iowa) - While some shoppers look for Christmas savings others are ringing up holiday debt. Area credit counselors say many people spend beyond their budget during the holiday season, causing problems for those who have trouble paying their bills.. Pukke still on the hot seat (Gazette.Net) - A few years ago, Andris N. Pukke was riding high. The head of several growing credit businesses and the force behind a successful nonprofit credit counseling agency in Germantown, Pukke had multimillion-dollar mansions in Maryland, Florida and California.. Careful Planning Helps Avoid Holiday Spending Hangovers (PR Web) - Holidays are a time of joy and merriment. However, it's hard to be merry when you're worrying about your rapidly growing credit card statement. With the following tips from Novadebt, consumers can take proactive steps to stop holiday debt before it starts. (PRWeb Nov 29, 2006) Post Comment:Trackback URL:

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