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Retail therapy for storm-weary (The Arizona Republic) - NEW ORLEANS - It's a weekday morning, usually the graveyard shift for retailing, but the suburban Lakeside Mall is bustling.. Feeling the spirit (The Myrtle Beach Sun News) - It's a recent Monday morning - usually the graveyard shift for retailing - but the suburban Lakeside Mall is bustling. Moms push strollers adorned with shopping bags. Guys buy video games and DVDs. Singles dodge kiosk salesmen en route to a store. Along the Gulf Coast, residents appear to be taking out their Katrina angst at the cash register - buying clothes, home furnishings and pricey jewelry, . Bad Credit Loans Such as Payday Advances Only for Emergencies According to ChristiaNet Poll (Market Wire via Yahoo! Finance) -, the world's largest Christian portal with twelve million monthly page loads, conducted a recent survey to ask readers, "Should Christians get bad credit loans?" The majority of participants do not think payday advances are a good idea because of the extremely high interest and fees associated with them.. AP Centerpiece: Holiday spending perks up on Gulf Coast (KATC3) - NEW ORLEANS -- It's Monday morning _ usually the graveyard shift for retailing _ but the suburban Lakeside Mall is bustling. Moms push strollers adorned with shopping bags. Guys buy video games and DVDs. Singles dodge kiosk salesmen en route to a store.. Making it a Merry Christmas (Telegraph) - NEW ORLEANS (AP) - It's Monday morning - usually the graveyard shift for retailing - but the suburban Lakeside Mall is bustling. Moms push strollers adorned with shopping bags. Guys buy video games and DVDs. Singles dodge kiosk salesmen en route to a store.. Bad Credit Loans Such as Payday Advances Only for Emergencies According to ChristiaNet Poll (SYS-CON Media) - (,the world's largest Christian portal with twelve million monthly pageloads, conducted a recent survey to ask readers, 'Should Christians get badcredit loans?' The majority of participants do not think payday advancesare a good idea because of the extremely high interest and fees associatedwith them. One Believer said, 'If you are in debt, I don't think . Gulf Coast expected to be awash in spending (Tulsa World) - NEW ORLEANS -- It's Monday morning -- usually the graveyard shift for retailing -- but the suburban Lakeside Mall is bustling. Moms push strollers adorned with shopping bags. Guys buy video games and DVDs. Singles dodge sales attendants at kiosks.. Gulf Coast looking for happy holidays (MSNBC) - Last year, the holidays were far from normal for many from the Gulf Coast. This year, despite constant reminders of Hurricane Katrina,  many local residents are looking forward to something to celebrate. . Good tidings for the Gulf (The Courier News) - NEW ORLEANS -- It's Monday morning -- usually the graveyard shift for retailing -- but the suburban Lakeside Mall is bustling. Moms push strollers adorned with shopping bags. Guys buy video games and DVDs. Singles dodge kiosk salesmen en route to a store.. Gulf Coast residents looking forward to more normal holidays (The Morning Call) - Despite reminders of hurricane, many are more likely to spend. | It's Monday morning usually the graveyard shift for retailing but the suburban Lakeside Mall is bustling..

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