Since I began to program in java language I found very tedious to call every time the
java interpreter or the java compiler from a dos shell.
Wouldn't it be simpler if the operative system had incorporated an interpreter and
treated class files as it treats batch files (.bat)?
Java is a young language, so we cannot expect from an OS to have such a functionality.
Someone says that every new OS would incorporate the JVM (java virtual machine),
best known as Java interpreter.
Waiting this event I've built a little utility to emulate all this.
With this utility you can:
Doubleclick on a file with ".class" extension to run it directly;
Click with the right mouse key on a file with ".class" extension,
let the contextual menu appear, click on "Run with args..."
and write the arguments to pass to the interpreter or to the class.
Doubleclick on a file with ".java" extension and run the java compiler;
then, if the compilation finishes correctly, the interpreter executes the
resulting ".class" file. This corresponds to the contextual menu "Compile+Run".
Click with the right mouse key on a file with ".java" extension, then you
can find the contextual menu with:
"Compile" that let you compile the ".java" files without running them.
"Edit" to send the ".java" file to the notepad.
Insert in html files a link (yes, a link, NOT an applet)
to a ".class" file containing a main and just see it running while you're clicking
on the link.
Relative and absolute paths can be used (even on other drives).
Just for windowsNT: Type the name of a
".classe" or ".java" file from a DOS shell or from every command menu and see
JTama.exe that works with it and take it to JDK tools.
Relative and absolute paths can be used (even on other drives).
NB: remember to write the extensions (Example:
Just for windowsNT: From a DOS shell it's
possible to send parameters to a class simply typing them after the name of the
class (Es: >test.class param1 param2).
The last 2 functionalities are only for windows NT because windows 95/98 is built over DOS
and so DOS can't access windows registry. NT DOS is emulated from the OS, so NT DOS has all
functionality of NT operating system.
It is necessary to have the java interpreter (from sun microsystem).
You can get from the last version of jdk
(java development kit).
(At 22-10-1999 the last is
j.d.k 1.2.2).
If you're not a developer and you don't need to compile java files, you can use jre
(java runtime environment). It's smaller.
Now you can install "JTama.exe".
Copy JTama.exe to "bin" directory of JDK or JRE, then run JTama.exe just one time from
there (just doubleclick on it!).
If you can't find "bin" directory try to search under "C:/Programmi/jdk1.2/bin", or
"C:/Programmi/jre1.2/bin" or something like that; otherwise search the file
"java.exe" on your hard disk.
All the work is done.
N.B.: If an older version of JTama.exe installed, just overwrite the old file
with the new file and doubleclick on it from "jdk/bin" directory.
Uninstall and changes of path.
To uninstall JTama.exe (but why ! ? ! ? ! (~) ) you have to run it with /u parameter.
To do this you can open a DOS prompt, drag&drop JTama.exe and add " /u", then press
From version 1.3 you can uninstall JTama.exe from control panel as windows OS requires.
If you just want to change the path where jdk or jre is (it is useful if you install a
new version of jdk or if you have to use an old one), it is not necessary to uninstall
JTama.exe; just reinstall it in the new "bin" directory of java (copy JTama.exe there
and run it).
How it can do its work.
Your operating system needs just few changes:
JTama.exe adds 4 keys to the registry under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT:
Such entries are necessary to make an association for .class and .java files to JTama.exe.
If the extension of .java is already associated to another program, JTama won't remove this
association. It just add "Compile" and "Edit" to the contextual menu.
For any problem or comment send me an E-Mail at You can also attach the class
or the java file that doesn't work with JTama.exe.
If you're lookin' for other freeware programs I suggest
If you have problems with the program, you can try latest version: