4° year: Mark Mathematics, Physics 10/10 Sciences, Drawing 9/10 English, Italian, Philosophy, History, Latin 8/10 Arrived at the Final Italian championships of mathematics Arrived at the regional championships of physics 5° year: Arrived at the Final Italian championships of mathematics Arrived at the Final Italian championships of physics
Examinations | Mark (/30) | Notes | |
- | English | Ok | I've done this site |
1 | Mathematical analysis 1 | 30 with Honours | |
2 | Chemistry | 28 | |
3 | Physics 1 | 27 | |
4 | Bases of Informatica 1 | 26 | Plan in pascal |
5 | Geometry and Algebra | 30 with Honours | |
6 | Mathematical Analysis 2 | 26 | |
7 | Physics 2 | 30 | |
8 | Bases of Informatica 2 | 30 | |
9 | Electrotechnics | 25 | |
10 | Technical Physics | 28 | |
11 | Rational Mechanics | 27 | |
12 | Mathematical Analysis 3 | 29 | |
13 | Automatic Controls | 30 | Plan on Matlab of a retroationed control |
14 | Logical Circuits | 30 | |
15 | Electric Communications | 30 | |
16 | Applied Electronics 1 | 30 | Plan of an oscillator on PSpice |
17 | Electromagnetic Fields | 28 | |
18 | Electronic Calculators 1 | 30 | |
19 | Applied electronics 2 | 30 | |
20 | Electric Measures | 28 | Laboratory of electric measures |
21 | Microelettronica | 30 | |
22 | Electronic Calculators 2 | 28 | |
23 | Systems of Telecommunication | 28 | |
24 | Electronics of Digital Systems | 30 | Plan of a 32bit ALU
for RISC 40 MHz processor and layout in C-MOS 0.7m technology. Used CAD by Opus (Cadence), HSpice to simulate See also Chain precharge |
25 | Artificial Intelligence | 30 | Rubik Cube solver in Prolog language |
26 | Informative Systems 1 (DBMS) | 27 | |
27 | Distributed calculators | 30 | Plan of a distributed semaphore on a net of
UNIX calculators, using the C language |
28 | Languages and Translators | 30 with Honours | Plan of a
Scheme interpreter (Lisp) and a prolog interpreter , realized in Java 1.2 |
29 | Firm's Economy and Organization | 30 |
Average marks total taken examinations 28,79 /30 Average last three years 29,33 /30 Resulting average 29,06 /30 Correspondent mark in cents 96,88 /100 Number of Exams with 30/30 16 (on a total of 29) Honours 3 I've taken Ph. Degree on 6 of december 2000 with 100/100 with honours. Thesis about extreme programming made at ibn-italy: http://www.ibn-italy.com On ibn.sourceforge.net you can find the sources built during the development of the thesis.