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Here I am - Curriculum Vitae - Thesis on XP (eXtreme Programming)

High schools

Scientific secondary school at the high school G. Marconi in Pesaro: 52/ 60.
Experimental course: Physics.
4° year:					Mark
Mathematics, Physics				10/10
Sciences, Drawing				9/10
English, Italian, Philosophy, History, Latin	8/10

Arrived at the Final Italian championships of mathematics
Arrived at the regional championships of physics

5° year:
Arrived at the Final Italian championships of mathematics
Arrived at the Final Italian championships of physics


Course of degree in Electronic Engineering at the faculty of engineering in Bologna.

 ExaminationsMark (/30)Notes
-EnglishOk I've done this site
1Mathematical analysis 130 with Honours  
3Physics 127  
4Bases of Informatica 126 Plan in pascal
5Geometry and Algebra30 with Honours  
6Mathematical Analysis 226  
7Physics 230  
8Bases of Informatica 230  
10Technical Physics28  
11Rational Mechanics27  
12Mathematical Analysis 329  
13Automatic Controls30 Plan on Matlab of a retroationed control
14Logical Circuits30  
15Electric Communications30  
16Applied Electronics 130 Plan of an oscillator on PSpice
17Electromagnetic Fields28  
18Electronic Calculators 130  
19Applied electronics 230  
20Electric Measures28 Laboratory of electric measures
22Electronic Calculators 228  
23Systems of Telecommunication28  
24Electronics of Digital Systems30 Plan of a 32bit ALU
for RISC 40 MHz processor and
layout in C-MOS 0.7m technology.
Used CAD by Opus (Cadence), HSpice to simulate
See also Chain precharge
25Artificial Intelligence30 Rubik Cube solver in Prolog language
26Informative Systems 1 (DBMS)27  
27Distributed calculators30 Plan of a distributed semaphore on a net of
UNIX calculators, using the C language
28Languages and Translators30 with Honours Plan of a Scheme interpreter (Lisp)
and a prolog interpreter
, realized in Java 1.2
29Firm's Economy and Organization30  

Average marks total taken examinations		28,79	/30
Average last three years			29,33	/30
Resulting average				29,06	/30
Correspondent mark in cents			96,88	/100

Number of Exams with 30/30			16 (on a total of 29)
Honours						3

I've taken Ph. Degree on 6 of december 2000 with 100/100 with honours.
Thesis about extreme programming made at ibn-italy: http://www.ibn-italy.com 
On ibn.sourceforge.net you can find the sources built during the development of the thesis.

Programming languages used:
C++, Java, Objective C, Pascal, Prolog, Lisp, Perl, Html, Xml.
Programming tools:
WebObjects, Builder (Borland)
Good knowledge of windows environment (Registry).
Knowledge of UNIX - LINUX, DOS environments.
Used databases: Oracle, FrontBase.

Work experiences

3 summer's seasons as waiter in a restaurant.
150 hours in the Informatic's laboratory of "Economy and Trade" university.
Software collaborations.
Now I'm collaborating as Junior Software Engineer at Internet Business News.
