[XR&CO'2005], Sat, 07 Jul 2007 01:27:27 GMT --> captain future
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    abderrahim on the July 28th, 2006 As Captain Cook traveled north along the east coast in 1770, he made notes in his Captains Diary about a headland, now called Nobby Head. However it wasn’t until 1797, while chasing escapees, that Lieutenant John Shortland discovered the Hunter
    abderrahim on the July 28th, 2006 As Captain Cook traveled north along the east coast in 1770, he made notes in his Captains Diary about a headland, now called Nobby Head. However it wasn’t until 1797, while chasing escapees, that Lieutenant John Shortland discovered the Hunter
    abderrahim on the July 28th, 2006 As Captain Cook traveled north along the east coast in 1770, he made notes in his Captains Diary about a headland, now called Nobby Head. However it wasn’t until 1797, while chasing escapees, that Lieutenant John Shortland discovered the Hunter
    abderrahim on the July 28th, 2006 As Captain Cook traveled north along the east coast in 1770, he made notes in his Captains Diary about a headland, now called Nobby Head. However it wasn’t until 1797, while chasing escapees, that Lieutenant John Shortland discovered the Hunter

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