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Students more dependent on private loans (College Heights Herald) - Tuition payments can give students a sinking feeling. And as more students turn to private loans, they are sinking deeper into debt. This year students took out $17.3 billion in private loans, according to a College Board report. That number has been increasing by 27 percent annually since 2000.. Correction (Cavalier Daily Online) - The Tuesday, Nov. 7 News article "Students debate election issues" attributed several quotations about the Marshall-Newman marriage amendment to College Republican debater Gary Lawkowski. The . Color of Money Live (Washington Post) - Washington Post personal finance columnist Michelle Singletary was online for a free-for-all discussion on money matters.. Pelosi sets formidable agenda for first days (Cape Cod Times) - NEWSDAY Senior citizens, minimum-wage workers and student loan recipients could find more money in their pockets if presumptive Speaker Nancy Pelosi achieves the ambitious agenda outlined for the first 100 hours of Democratic control of the House of Representatives in January.. Harry Gross | Funeral benefit's just for spouse (Philadelphia Daily News) - Dear Harry: My mother died in September, and she left less than $100 that she had rolled up in her stocking. Naturally, that didn't go anywhere near paying for her funeral. We were told that there was a Social Security funeral benefit, but the people at SS said that it was only for a spouse. Could this be true? The cost is there no matter who pays for it. If this is so, it sure is unfair to the . Monday November 13, 2006 By Brian Fallow (The New Zealand Herald) - Guinness Peat Group has come out swinging against the amended proposal on the taxation of overseas shares, saying it still amounts to a capital gains tax.. Scoring a credit rating (The Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star) - Summary Not Available. Going forward, a gridlock or compromise in Washington? (News From Bangladesh) - The Democratic Party that was out of limelight for 12 years did it in a big way on Tuesday, November 7, 2006. Most political pundits thought the Democrats could take control of the lower house (House of Representatives) but in reality they took control of both the lower and upper house (the Senate).. Sending Junior to college? Think 529 plans (Everett Herald) - NEW YORK - With the cost of tuition and fees soaring, parents face a daunting task in trying to figure out how to finance their children's college education.. Bush, Pelosi, hold White House talks (Mohave Valley News) - WASHINGTON (AP) - Times sure have changed. On Monday, President Bush was using Nancy Pelosi as a laugh line in his campaign speeches. By Thursday, the joke was on him, and he was serving up her favorite food in his private dining room..

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