My day on the set of "Santa Maradona"

This adventure started the 1st April 2001, when I put on the Internet my website dedicated to Stefano Accorsi, my favourite actor.
What happened later is quite incredible because in a few months the site reached the top of the most important web search sites, but first of all my dream of meeting Stefano came true.
The "turn" which made it happen was at the beginning Stefano's e-mail where he congratulated for the site, and then a message from Marco Ponti who, as well as making me congratulations, invited me in Turin on the set of "Santa Maradona", which he was the director and in which Stefano was the leading actor.
How could I leave go an occasion like that!
In fact, on the 7th June, from the first track of Bologna train station, precisely at 6.16 a.m., I left to Turin!
Like in the best adventures, I had a journey's friend, in that case a new one, Ilaria, whom I had known thank to the website. 
After confidences, waitings and a little fear we arrived in Turin.
The first pleasant surprise was that at the arrival track a nice girl was waiting for us; she was one of Marco Ponti's students (he teaches screenplay writing at the Holden School in Turin) and she drove us to the set.
The flat where they were shooting was very little and I was impressed by the number of people there were in! 
Francesco, the director's assistant, let us sit in two stools behind the director's chair: from there we could watch, through the "combo" (a little monitor), the shooted scenes.
After a few minutes we met the "creator" of our adventure, Marco Ponti, who introduced us to our dear Stefano!!!...

... In the whole morning we saw the film's shottings, among the "Ciak!"s and "Action!"s of Marco. Just now I realize how much attention needs shooting even a few scenes!
Finally there was... lunch!
Ilaria and I had lunch at the table of Stefano, Marco and Mandala Tayde, one of the main actresses in the film. How lucky!!! :-)
After lunch, Stefano dedicated us some time to answer to the questions of my interview, while he was drinking a coffee. My interview to Marco Ponti took place later, on the set, during a break.
The afternoon flew quickly away: shootings, photos, autographs, the exchange of impressions, jokes and laughs... soon it was 7 p.m., the end of their working day. 
As our train was at 8, we couldn't stay longer, so we thanked everybody, particularly Marco, and Stefano went with us to the car which should drive us to the station... finally we had to say bye to him too! 
The return journey was... short! It seemed to me much shorter than the going because Ilaria and I talked, talked and talked of the day and of our impressions.
The energy we had slowly was replaced by tiredness, as it was 11 p.m. and we were awake from 5 a.m.!
Anyway, after my friend arrived to her destination, I also reached my sweet town, at 11.33, and at the first track of Bologna train station, exactly where it was started, this adventure ended.

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SITO NO PROFIT   Sara Spinelli ~ Bologna (Italy)