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ABC Learning Profit Rises 62% on U.S. Acquisitions Update2 Bloomberg.com
Feb. 19 (Bloomberg) -- ABC Learning Ltd., the world's largest publicly traded child-care provider, said first-half profit rose 62 percent on expansion in the U.S.
ABC Learning Profit Rises 62% on U.S. Acquisitions Update1 Bloomberg.com
Feb. 19 (Bloomberg) -- ABC Learning Ltd., the world's largest publicly traded child-care provider, said first-half profit rose 62 percent after it expanded into the U.S.
Clovis commissioners back current air service provider NewsChannel 10 Amarillo
CLOVIS, N.M. Clovis city commissioners have decided to back Great Lakes Airlines in its bid to provide air service to the city. Commissioners plan to send their
Hope for threatened sports centre BBC News
One of the six Wiltshire leisure centres whose futures are in doubt following a cash crisis, is said to be in talks with a new leisure provider.
Cable War Fails to Offer Rate Relief in Montgomery Washington Post
Bills for thousands of Montgomery County cable viewers will increase by 4 percent starting March 1, when Comcast Corp., suburban Maryland's largest cable television provider, raises rates throughout the Washington region.
New ETFs from XShares and Elliot Wave Int'l. SeekingAlpha via Yahoo! Finance
Tom Lydon submits: XShares Advisors LLC, an ETF provider, announced it has joined in agreement with Elliot Wave International Inc. to create ETFs based on technical methods it has developed.
Nation's Oldest Supplemental Education Provider Announces Top Ten Signs Your Child Needs Tutoring PR Web
Report cards are being sent home to parents across the area this week. According to the Virginia Department of Education's 2006 No Child Left Behind (NCLB) report, Mathematics scores have dropped six percent and graduation rates have dropped from 82% to 79% statewide over the past three years. Huntington Learning Center, a supplemental instruction provider, is providing a lest of 10 tell-tale
Shaw Communications Requests For Fundamental Change Of Canadian Program Financing - Quick Facts Nasdaq
(RTTNews) - Canada based diversified communication provider Shaw Communications Inc. (SJR-B.TO) said that the company is not in contravention of the law of the CRTC regulations. The company was responding to the statement of Beverley Oda, Minister of Candian Heritage and the Status of Women.
Cable War Fails to Offer Rate Relief in Montgomery RedNova
By Ann E Marimow, Washington Post Staff Writer Bills for thousands of Montgomery County cable viewers will increase by 4 percent starting March 1, when Comcast Corp., suburban Maryland's largest cable television provider, raises rates throughout the Washington region.
AOL Now Supports OpenID Slashdot
Nurgled writes "On Sunday John Panzer announced that AOL now has experimental OpenID server support. This means that every AOL user now has an OpenID identifier. OpenID is a decentralized cross-site authentication system which has been growing in popularity over the last few months. AOL is the first large provider to offer OpenID services, and though they do not currently accept logins to their

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