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NYT: 2007 to Mark Divergent Futures for Online and Offline Media SeekingAlpha via Yahoo! Finance
Ashkan Karbasfrooshan submits: It must be very odd being a reporter covering technology and online media at newspapers these days. In the 1980s and 1990s, when newspapers would cover the computerization of offices and homes, the phenomena posed no threat per se to their business.
Troubling ?07 Forecast for the Old-Line Media but Not for the Online New York Times
Forecasters predict flat growth at best in ad spending in the traditional media next year, but expect high double-digit percentage gains in online advertising.
Online Auction Fraud: Data Mining Software Fingers Both Perpetrators And Accomplices Science Daily
Computer scientists at Carnegie Mellon University are using data mining techniques to identify perpetrators of fraud among online auction users as well as their otherwise unknown accomplices. The new method analyzes publicly available histories of actions posted by online auction sites such as eBay and identifies suspicious online behaviors and dubious associations among users.
Online gaming titles coming to Wii Ars Technica
Nintendo has announced that new online gaming features and multiplayer-enabled games will be coming to the Wii in the second quarter of 2007.
Europe Embraces Holiday Shopping Online WebProNews
This week, comScore Networks released the first in its latest series of studies geared at examining the online shopping activity of European citizens throughout the holiday season. The initial data shows that French retail sites experienced the largest gains in the first three weeks of the holiday seasons, highlighted by a 79 percent increase in online shopping traffic for the week
Ten goes online to boost ratings News Interactive
TEN will launch more than 50 websites based on key television programs for the start of the ratings season next year to cacth up online.
New TV2 drama to launch online TVNZ
TVNZ is taking a different approcah with the launch of its latest drama. Karaoke High, which will replace Shortland Street (7pm TV2) over the holiday period, is being launched online, rather than on television - a first in New Zealand.
Carnegie Mellon researchers uncover online auction fraud EurekAlert!
In this graph of online auction actions, the darkened oval represents a known perpetrator of fraud, while the other two ovals in the top row are suspected fraudsters. The bottom
Cyber Monday: Big Online Shopping Day KXAN 36 Austin
The big shopping holiday known as Black Friday may be over, but Monday, the big online shopping day begins. It's called Cyber Monday. It started because retailers figure you're back at work and on your computer.
Authorities: Ex-Firefighter Caught In Online Sting KMBC TheKansasCityChannel.com via Yahoo! News
A former firefighter for Johnson County Fire District No. 2 was arrested last week after being caught in an online sting, said investigators with the Livingston County, Mo., Sheriff's Department

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