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teatro e neuroscienze
a Neurocritique of <b>Art</b> and Everyday Life" 18 maggio ore 11 - Prof. WILLIAM BEEMAN, Brown University "The Neurobiology of Oper-Evoking Emotions Trought Voice, Gesture and <b>Spectacle</b>" 25 maggio ore 11 -
french boiler
poésie, soutenez la culture, produisez du <b>spectacle</b> et de l'entertainment comme on dit chez nos déesse mortelle. Deux fois. L'enfance de l'<b>art</b> est un lever de soleil. Je répète : l'enfance de l'<b>art</b>
photo album: <b>art</b> <b>spectacle</b> ray
<b>Art</b> <b>spectacle</b> Ray Espace Caravaggio Respect me 2 Respect me Rome _Russia Sydney Venice Degas GalleryPlayer-13_Russia More Photos
spectacle+art: licence art spectacle | art spectacle referencer site | licence art spectacle art spectacle referencer site art spectacle liens site spectacle+art: licence art spectacle | art spectacle referencer site |

Artists are under the gun Tribune Chronicle
WARREN — ‘‘The Spectacle of Speed’’ originally was named for the Packard automobile hood ornament that inspired its design. Now the public art project might earn its name for the pace some of the artists will have to work to finish their creations.
By Alfredo Triff The Sun Post
The hoopla surrounding Art Basel is six months behind us now, which is why it’s as good a time as any to step back and assess our current art scene. We’re in the midst of a new phenomenon going on in our own back yard. Art as a new commodity: a cultural spectacle of entertainment.
Artists are under the gun Tribune Chronicle
WARREN — ‘‘The Spectacle of Speed’’ originally was named for the Packard automobile hood ornament that inspired its design. Now the public art
Creating atmospheres The Japan Times
Fifty-two year-old Masahito Katayama's most ambitious recent work, the 1,000-piece "Membrane" (2004), which took just shy of a year to complete, is showing at Osaka's Nomart Contemporary Art. The Read more . . .
Defending the blockbusters Coeur d'Alene Press
Sure they're noisy, empty-headed and ridiusly expensive, but man I love summer blockbusters. Most of them aren't good. I recommended "Spider-Man 3," as pure spectacle entertainment, but even I have a breaking point when it comes to Kirsten Dunst's whining.
The art of music: Madison Symphony Orchestra, artsTRIBE unite The Capital Times
What does music look like? That question was tackled when one of the largest arts groups in the city, the Madison Symphony Orchestra, and one of the smallest, the nine-member visual arts collective artsTRIBE, teamed up.
Are you in the Loop? The Pantagraph
CHICAGO -- Ty Tabing was in college the last time he tossed a party. The gathering was a "kegger." About 200 people showed up.
Walls Flower Pittsburgh City Paper
The backbone of this stunning show is a metius constructed environment composed entirely of salvaged scraps from abandoned lots near the gallery. By Adam Grossi.
Even Disney World is no match for nature’s charms London Free Press
I took a journey into the heart of pop culture recently and learned a valuable lesson along the way. No matter how powerfully creative our pop culture becomes (and at this moment in history it’s pretty damn sophisticated), it pales when compared to the appeal of a family of cute ducks.
What's On: Events Toronto Star
Long Weekend Fun Harbourfront's Spring Family Fun has loads of interactive, creative activities for the whole family, like lantern-making workshops, a dance-along party with the Funky Mamas, sneak previews of the camp programmes and more. Events take place Sun. & Mon. (free).
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