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All in with the Poker Mob
But as the night unfolded, we ran into a perfect storm of poor planning and peer pressure that produced quite a unique spectacle in the poker room. The tournament was billed as a World Series of Poker satellite.
Peggy Drexler: Walk carefully, dad. Your daughter is watching
The father-daughter dance is as delicate as it is charged with meaning. You can argue the myth or reality that the first man the daughter falls in love with is her dad; or that girls look for their fathers in the husbands they choose.
2007 Eurovision Song Contest
To watch it, we went to a dinner dance party in Amsterdam hosted by The Undutchables, an employment agency for foreigners like us. The party, held in the sanctuary of an old ex-church, featured a buffet, massages, and a "silent disco,"
Live blogging the live bloggers - Republican debate redux
With two notable exceptions, they all did the manly-man dance of faux toughness. Tom Tancredo, the immigrant-bashing fencing contractor, actually said he was "looking for a Jak Bauer." The exceptions to the torture bandwagon were the
Yassou Marija
and I think that's a pity cos that's what I've always thought a Eurovision entry should be all about: a song you can dance to throughout the summer-to-come. And, above all, very few were catchy. Aforementioned Turkish and Ukrainian
Another Angle on Looptopia
As quizzical as the Redmoon stuff left us, it still made for good street spectacle with plenty of onlookers. 2007_05_mfchicago.jpg To satisfy our inner bootyshaker, we resolved long ago to check out any dance parties involved in
He dances with his hips in a manner more characteristic of jazz and swing dance than the upright postures more closely associated with European kinaesthetic forms.3 He swaggers down the street, shooting at the women he passes with a
Ralph Ellison’s America
Arnold Rampersad's prickly, irresistibly absorbing reassessment of Ralph Ellison (1914-1994) -- the writer, the man, the vision -- reopens some fascinating gaps in the legend of the canonical African-American novelist, plausibly dubbed
Doom and Doomer: Spider-Man 3 Part 1
Spidey 3 A Arguable the biggest movie of the year, Spider-Man 3, opened last Friday to record numbers. Naturally, all of us Doomers took in the spectacle. What’d we all think? Well, here’s what four of us thought, at least…
Spider-Man 3 - Review
But for all the spectacle, humor and pathos, you can't help but get the feeling that Raimi indulged himself occasionally to the detriment of other plot elements. Example: An extensive odd dance number where Peter rubs Gwen Stacy in MJ's
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