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Login / Registration (Investment & Pensions Europe) - has redesigned and upgraded its content and navigation which is why we're asking everyone to register their full contact information . If you're one of the 20,000+ visitors who've been asked to do this on a previous occasion we apologise for taking another five minutes from your life - at least you know it's worth the effort!. Post-9/11 tips to cope with air travel (Honolulu Advertiser) - By now, most travelers are wise to the realities of post-9/11 travel. We go barefoot through security checkpoints, are learning to live without such frivolities as toothpaste and shampoo, and arrive at the airport before the Starbucks opens. We've got the drill down pat.. Fans need lotto luck to land tix (New York Daily News) - The Mets announced yesterday that fans seeking postseason tickets for individual NL division series games must register at by Tuesday at 11:59 p.m. A lottery will be held for the right to purchase tickets, which begin at $45 for the opening round. No individual game tickets will be available without registering. About 10,000 seats per game will be made available to the public.. Privacy Policy (ABC 2 Baltimore) - is committed to protecting consumer privacy online. We believe that greater protection of personal privacy on the web will not only protect consumers, but also increase consumer confidence and ultimately their participation in online activities.. 50 years of memories (Torrington Register Citizen) - By KEVIN D. ROBERTS Register Citizen Staff TORRINGTON - The arch over the Torrington Elks Club entrance brought those who walked underneath it Saturday back to an era when Eisenhower ran for re-election and Elvis ruled the airwaves.. Opens Chicago-Area Office, Names Executive Team (PR Web) -, a leading developer and operator of web sites for local communities, announced today the appointment of Andy Vogel to General Manager and Robert Reed to Content Manager and Editor in its Chicago area office. (PRWEB Sep 8, 2006) Trackback URI: Des Moines Newspaper Tells Iowa Fans What to See in Syracuse (WSYR 9 Syracuse) - Iowans follow football, and we mean literally. A couple thousand Iowa fans are expected to take a seat at the Carrier Dome for the Orange home opener Saturday. The DesMoines Register offered traveling fans some suggestions on ways to pass time in Central New York.. Focus: Busted! (Times Online) - When the New York Giants take on the Indianapolis Colts today, at least $10 of dodgy money will be riding on the game. The bet was made with the London-listed gaming firm by Dominic Rushe, our US-based reporter, using his American bank account.. Little expected of Lions (Royal Oak Daily Tribune) - Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Mel GIbson Cigar Bar Sugartit-Kneading Incident Had All The Early Warning Signs (Defamer) - PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are now posted several times a week--so start sending them in more often! Send yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" .

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