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best place for hardware init script ?
summary: i have a adsl modem connected to my freebsd, and the power input of the modem is controlled by serial line. some time, after a general power failure, the input power of the modem is the modem need time to connect to
rf modem ppp support
comp.os.linux.hardware: rf modem ppp support
trouble installing usb 56k modem onto rhel4 u3
comp.os.linux.hardware: trouble installing usb 56k modem onto rhel4 u3
modem does not support
comp.os.linux.hardware: modem does not support
usb modem usb_control/bluk_msg: timeout
comp.os.linux.hardware: usb modem usb_control/bluk_msg: timeout
general hardware :: re: yay! internet connection sharing :?
can you access your cable modem settings by typing or something similar? if yes, set manually ip address for that comp and use modem address as your default gateway/dns server on first one then the ip address of the first
fyi: navas 28800-56k modem faq
there is no official faq for comp.dcom.modems, but you can find answers to your modem questions on the web at
need dsl modem recommendations
comp.os.linux.hardware: need dsl modem recommendations
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modem shipping fee - $15 - hardware shipping fee - $35 - early termination policy - $720 declining by $20.00/month included in the xbox 360 package are: o sympatico wireless home networking modem (free upgrade)
modem hanging
summary: my rockwell isa modem is hanging sometimes when ppp-off runs. these are the last few lines of verbose output from pppd: modem hangup sometimes the connection was broken before i ran ppp-off, but i'm not sure whether

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26.10. o Modem con supporto FAX 33.600 · cicciob. 26.10. o [MANIFESTO] it.comp.hardware.modem · Gruppo Coordinamento NEWS-IT
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o, Modem analogico US Robotics 56k e Winfax Pro 10.02 o, [MANIFESTO] it.comp.hardware.modem o, Modem Dlink DSL-200 USB prob. con WEBCAM
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it.comp.hardware.modem Discussioni sui modem Il presente newsgroup dovrebbe venire creato per sgravare it.comp.hardware dalla vasta problematica sui modem
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Gruppo: it.comp.hardware.modem. I modem Ho istallato un modem adsl col protocollo sbagliato ( PPPoE invece di PPPoA ) e adesso non mi funziona la
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it.comp.hardware.cpu, Informazioni e notizie sui processori pe it.comp.hardware.modem, Discussioni sui modem. it.comp.hardware.motherboard
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it . comp . hardware . modem Ciao ragazzi ho un problema col modem Fastrate usb 100: si sconnette ogni 10 minuti!!!!Ho windows xp caricato su un pentium
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