Thunderbird Linux supercomputer hits 53 teraflops Infomatics
A monster Linux cluster loaded with almost 9,000 CPUs has been rated sixth in the Top 500 Supercomputer global rankings.
Thunderbird Linux cluster ranks 6th in Top500 supercomputing race EurekAlert!
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. - Sandia National Laboratories' 8960-processor Thunderbird Linux cluster, developed in collaboration with Dell, Inc. and Cisco, maintained its sixth position in the Top500 Supercomputers by achieving an improved overall performance of 53.0 teraflops, an 18.5 percent increase in efficiency from last year's performance.
First OLPC computers leave factory vnunet.com
Tom Sanders in California, vnunet.com , Friday 17 November 2006 at 00:00:00 Hardware specifications get "very close " to final build The One Laptop Per Child project has manufactured a first set of 200 notebook computers. The devices will be distributed as test units to government officials and software developers. > Read the full article
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"The LinuxBIOS project aims to take down the last barrier in Open Source systems by providing a free firmware (BIOS) implementation. LinuxBIOS celebrates its Sixth anniversary this year, and has an installed base of over 1 million LinuxBIOS systems.
OLPC completes 10 Linux laptop prototypes Desktop Linux
The One Laptop Per Child project's onsite supervisor, Mark Foster, reported from Shanghai on Sunday that the first 10 prototypes of the Linux-powered OLPC XO-1 are up and running.
ServerWatch Hardware Articles Server Watch
The End of the Proprietary Era Businesses are moving away from proprietary architectures to reduce their TCO and improve performance, scalability, and availability.
First OLPC computers leave factory vnunet.com via Yahoo! UK & Ireland News
Hardware specifications get "very close " to final build
First OLPC computers leave factory Infomatics
The One Laptop Per Child project has manufactured a first set of 200 notebook computers . The devices will be distributed as test units to government officials and software developers.
Rackable Appliance Aims to Smooth Out Storage I/O Problems eWeek
Rackable Systems says its product eliminates I/O bottlenecks that slow down legacy NAS systems and delivers a single file system package that scales for large Linux data center deployments.
Livermore Labs Turns To Linux-Based Supercomputing Cluster TechWeb via Yahoo! News
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory will get 100 teraflops combined processing power out of the supercomputer when it has all four of their new clusters up and running.
D: Oracle afferma che l'assistenza per Linux include la stessa compatibilità con l'hardware e le stesse certificazioni di Red Hat Enterprise Linux. È vero?
[FoLUG]hardware per linux server
[FoLUG]hardware per linux server. sammo folug@lists.linux.it Wed, 07 May 2003 12:02:28 +0200. Previous message: [FoLUG]hardware per linux server
[FoLUG]hardware per linux server
[FoLUG]hardware per linux server. Marco Baroni folug@lists.linux.it Tue, 6 May 2003 15:05:45 +0200. Previous message: [FoLUG]stasera all' ITC
LINUX-IT archives -- October 1995 (#9)
Organization: GARR-NIS - Pisa (Italy) Subject: Alpha hardware per Linux HW di una loro scheda Alpha che puo' essere usata con successo per Linux.
SuseItalia.org - Forum - Guide - hardware per linux
Offline. mi permetto di postare il link a una guida hardware per linux, utile per chi cerca periferiche compatibili per il nostro sysop preferito!
[FoLUG]hardware per linux server
[FoLUG]hardware per linux server. sammo folug@lists.linux.it Wed, 07 May 2003 12:02:28 +0200. Previous message: [FoLUG]hardware per linux server
[FoLUG]hardware per linux server
[FoLUG]hardware per linux server. Marco Baroni folug@lists.linux.it Tue, 6 May 2003 15:05:45 +0200. Previous message: [FoLUG]stasera all' ITC
LINUX-IT archives -- October 1995 (#9)
Organization: GARR-NIS - Pisa (Italy) Subject: Alpha hardware per Linux HW di una loro scheda Alpha che puo' essere usata con successo per Linux.
SuseItalia.org - Forum - Guide - hardware per linux
Offline. mi permetto di postare il link a una guida hardware per linux, utile per chi cerca periferiche compatibili per il nostro sysop preferito!
Kubuntu 6.06: Linux più facile di Windows? P.te 2 - Hardware
Sul sito ufficiale sono presenti driver per linux aggiornati al 26/05/2006 v2.60; abbiamo quindi Pagina 1: Installazione e configurazione dell'hardware
Nuovo Flash Player 9 per Linux - Hardware Upgrade - Il sito
Adobe prevede di distribuire una release definitiva di Flash Player 9 per Linux ad inizio 2007.
Linux Access HOWTO: Hardware
E' un sintetizzatore vocale hardware. E' raccomandato per l'uso con Emacspeak e Vorrei avere dei dettagli di quelli con supporto specifico per Linux,
[LD@Milano] Hardware per Linux Embedded
Messaggio precedente: [LD@Milano] Hardware per Linux Embedded; Prossimo messaggio: [LD@Milano] [OT] Hardware per Linux Embedded; Messaggi ordinati per: