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Commodore: Why they failed
Here's a review on a new book that tells the complete story of the fiasco that was Commodore. There was so much infighting in that company it's hard to believe they had any success, yet they turned out the Commodore PET, VIC-20,
General Dynamics notebook has rugged appeal
Military hardware manufacturer General Dynamics is pitching its new Go-Book XR-1 rugged notebook at the high-end consumer market, claiming extreme sports enthusiasts as a new target market
Sony's new Vaio C15 laptop does a budget good
If there's one thing Sony's Vaio laptops are known for, it sure ain't being friendly on the pocket book, but this new Vaio C15, just released in Taiwan, looks to be a fierce competitor in the mid-range
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back in october, i received a mail from mike mintz asking if i'd like to take a look at a book he just wrote with robert ekendahl - "hardware verification with c++, a practitioner's handbook". it sounded interesting enough,
e-book hardware? i'm behind the curve.
my only complaint is that this device doesn't fully capture the scope of what i was talking about. sure, it seems like a great device for reading books. hell, i dare say that i'm going to pick one up. physical books are hard to read on
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forum: bst: computer hardware, software & accessories posted by: deee_wreck post time: nov 11th, 2006 at 02:53 am
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ah, nothing like the smell of obsolete hardware to get me thinking. you can get in each dictionary and creating the result. for my gaiman book, we end up with: apparently the upc number for a book is called the "bookland ean."
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the apple mac book pro is the first apple laptop to benefit from the company s use of intel chips boasting an intel over apple s powerbooks check out what akinola akintomide in his first review for dev hardware has to say about it.

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