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I am alive. Just very busy.
Title: Afterglow Characters: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy Rating: R Notes: Drawn for the [info]daily_deviant blow job prompt. Draco is happy and Harry is smug. Afterglow
Five Deadly Sins in Packaging Your Invention
Have a great invention? Do you know how to package it? Our Guest Blogger, JoAnn Hines, is a packaging Here are the five deadly sins in packaging your invention. You need to be flexible, innovative and creative in your thinking.
do you know what i did today, internets? i quit my job. why? well, because i have been offered a job researching for the univeristy library in conjunction with the egyptology department. for more money than i have been ever offered to
oh yeah!
i just registered for sectus 2007! *dances* it is a year away and i am so excited already. i put my name into the goblet for the tri-london tournament. hee! i can't wait
ps2 love
kingdom hearts ii has taken over my life. i even dreamt about it last night. i won't even tell you how many hours i have played on it since borrowing it from work yesterday. i have one week to complete it. heh
in shock and awe
i don't know who you are or why but thank you, thank you, thank you! this is for you anonymouse! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ i would really, really like to do something for you. comments are
blah de blah
just watched death of a president on more4 tonight. i'mnot sure exactly what i thought of it yet. i think i'll have to sleep on it. i blame it on being ill. i caught a cold and then just as i was getting over that i was hit hard by a
jkr official site
so, you guys have been to jkr's website and taken the new wombat right? i missed the first one, so this was my first go. some of the questions werewell, i had no idea what the answer was so just made an educated guess. i have a
omg yaaaaay!
oh fandom, how i have missed thee! i am about to go hand in my msc thesis. yes, i finished it. i finished it! all printed and hard bound with snazzy gold lettering. now, i just have to hope that the examiners like it. i'll probably
wtf lj?
can anyone tell me why every time i change the viewing settings from horizon to xcolibur on lj, it keeps switching it back to horizon! i hate horizon. why, lj? why?

SMB IT | InfoWorld | Creative Gets a Patent for This?! | August 31
Did Creative invent databases or even spreadsheets? The closest digital synonym for cross-indexing are these two technologies, and I don't recall Creative's
Becoming an Inventor
Realizing your POTENTIAL: Know that you are already an inventor! Don't discard improbable solutions; these might become a creative new approach when
New Inventors: Are you a creative genius?
Are you a creative genius? Do you have a great design or invention that the rest If you fit this criterion and relish the chance to enter your invention
unknownpersonbg on deviantART
Be creative, invent a perversion. ----- I :heart: rooster! Wait, that's wrong? ----- Member of =Dark-Arts-Asylum. ~bazzabent · 5 days 16 hours ago
Myhrvold: The father of invention; he nurtures the creative spirit
Myhrvold: The father of invention; he nurtures the creative spirit. By TOM PAULSON SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER REPORTER. Fostering a culture of creativity
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