State workers' comp fund directors quit Los Angeles Times
The two men resign amid concerns about possible conflicts of interest because their insurance firms collect fees from the agency.
Sick time, comp time skew sheriff's budget The Oregonian
Overtime spending doubled to $5.75 million from 2002 to 2005 under Sheriff Bernie Giusto, straining the Multnomah County sheriff's budget and turning staffing into a logistical nightmare.
CompUSA stores to open Thanksgiving night KXAN 36 Austin
DALLAS The heck with that pumpkin pie. Comp-U-S-A's opening its doors on Thanksgiving night to give holiday shoppers a head-start on "Black Friday" holiday shopping madness.
CompUSA stores to open Thanksgiving night KLTV Texas
DALLAS The heck with that pumpkin pie. Comp-U-S-A's opening its doors on Thanksgiving night to give holiday shoppers a head-start on "Black Friday" holiday shopping
Pa. Creates Fund for Injured Workers of Employers Without Workers' Comp Insurance Journal
Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell has signed legislation creating a fund to pay injured workers whose employers lack workers compensation coverage. The same bill — HB 2738 — increases the minimum amoun
12:22 pm | York Comp. ineligible for football playoffs The Charlotte Observer
The football team at York Comprehensive High could be forced to forfeit last week's playoff victory over Beaufort for dressing an ineligible player.
Sears Holdings: A Hedge Fund Struggling With Declining Retail SeekingAlpha via Yahoo! Finance
Herb Greenberg submits: Didn't take the latest earnings report to realize the retail operations of Sears Holding arent not doing well -- as evidenced by yet another dismal quarter.
U.S. stocks close higher on tame inflation, oil price decline MarketWatch via Yahoo! Finance
NEW YORK -- U.S. stocks closed higher Thursday, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average finishing at another record high level, as tame consumer-price inflation and a big drop in crude oil prices helped offset bad news from technology bellwethers Applied Materials Inc. and Dell Inc.
Spectra Energy Announces Nominees for Board of Directors Finanzen.net
DOW J. : 12306 (0,44%)
U.S. stocks make fresh gains; Dow higher, Dell helps sap tech MarketWatch via Yahoo! Finance
NEW YORK -- U.S. stocks traded higher Thursday, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average hitting a record high as tame consumer-price inflation and a big drop in crude oil prices helped offset bad news from technology bellwethers Applied Materials and Dell Inc.
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Le FAQ del Macintosh in italiano dal newsgroup it.comp.macintosh - a cura di Marco Balestra.
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Le FAQ di it.comp.macintosh
Le FAQ del Macintosh in italiano dal newsgroup it.comp.macintosh - a cura di Marco Balestra.
Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists
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