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Jack Palance Independent
Vladimir Palahnuik (Walter Jack Palance), actor: born Lattimer Mines, Pennsylvania 18 February 1919; married 1949 Virginia Baker (two daughters, and one son deceased; marriage dissolved 1966), 1987 Elaine Rogers; died Montecito, California 10 November 2006.
Life guide Billings Gazette
Saturday, November 11, 2006 ARTFUL FUN: Yellowstone Art Museum, 401 N. Broadway, offers a tour of current exhibits, followed by an art activity for ages 5-12 today. Reservations are recommended for the Docent Second Saturday activit
Antony, Will Oldham Guest on New Current 93 LP Pitchfork
The scene: a foggy harbour in the wee hours of night. A hulking, brooding, androgynous figure stands at the edge of the longest dock, shirtless and painted entirely in white. At his side, a barefoot, diminutive fellow with a ratty beard and acoustic guitar.
Adultery and Treachery in High Places: What France Is Reading Bloomberg.com
Nov. 10 (Bloomberg) -- It's not easy for the French to comprehend the earthquake that rattles the U.S. when a lawmaker gets caught sending hot e-mails to congressional pages. In France, is a private matter; even the president can indulge himself without being harassed by the media.
Ranch Residents Take Wildlife Tour RedNova
By John Simpson, The Bradenton Herald, Fla. Nov. 7--LAKEWOOD RANCH -- After almost two hours in a dense nature park, naturalist Russell Owens looked as if he had just returned from the depths of the jungle.
Another look at the RSC Michigan Daily
For the past three weeks, the focus of both the University and Ann Arbor arts community has been the Royal Shakespeare Company. The RSC will have performed a total of 21 times at the Power Center by the end of their stay Sunday, and many have regarded this rare event as one of the most culturally enriching opportunities to have come to Ann Arbor in years.
Things That Scare Us Baltimore City Paper
If we were of sunnier disposition , or lived in a bucolic suburb, or maybe if we were just rich, we sometimes think, we wouldn't worry the way we do. But the truth is, everybody's scared of something.
Food Calendar: New World Wine and Food Festival San Antonio Express News
Today-Sunday, various venues. For complete information, visit www.nwwff.org .
Successful AVID program expands at Westwood High Lassen County News
Nov. 1, 2006 - The AVID program continues to grow at Westwood High with 30 students participating during the 2006-07 school year. The program is designed to help students in the academic middle get into college by teaching them study skills that boost their grades.
The Complete Guide To: Alsace Belfast Telegraph
With its historic towns, fairy-tale buildings and stunning countryside, this part of France is a joy. With Christmas markets and mulled wine, it's even better.

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Caesar Tour. 50s_boy_riding_motorc_a_sc.gif. Caesar Tour: (Roma) Agenzia romana ma con partenze dai maggiori aeroporti italiani. Viaggi ultimo minuti e
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Le offerte last minute Caesar Tour sul Mar Rosso: a Hurgada, Marsa Alam, Sharm el Sheik, villaggi, club e hotel da sogno! Last Minute Mar Rosso: Marsa Alam
Web Caesar Tour di Discussione Turismo 2006
Web Caesar Tour di Discussione Turismo 09.00-13.00 / 15.00-19.00 Sabato 09.00-13.00. Prenotazioni On Line · Infoviaggi@CaesarTour.it. © www.caesartour.it.
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