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eBay And Email
God, I love Bobby Bowden.When talking to reporters about how his son Fredo resigned and why, he uncorked this awesome quote:Because you all ignited it. You listen to eBay and e-mail and all that junk, and you all kept writing
New edit feature on Yahoo.com
Now you can pick the links rather than having useless ones (for me) like HotJobs, Real Estate, etc. Nice touch. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v247/brinkeguthrie/untitled-4.jpg
backup performance
Hi, We are having performance issue when taking level 0 backup using ontape. The operating system is HP-Unix 11i and the IDS version is 9.40 HC7 Previously the back up use to take around 4 hrs on average but from past two days its
Conducting a Successful Webinar
A webinar, or online seminar, can be a valuable way for businesses to educate, as well as learn from their employees. Here are a few ways a business can plan a successfull webinar. * Make sure the content is interesting and your
Blog Monetization update: Jul-Sep 2006
I'll track my progress monetarizing this blog. income expense Jul 06: $ 0.00 -$ 0.00 Aug 06: $ 0.00 -$ 0.00 Sep 06: $ 0.00 -$ 0.00 ps. In case anyone is wondering why I've included Amazon.com and AdSense links in the "body"
Stop relying on/using Alexa
I said it often, and still discuss with too many people bringing Alexa as a reference. Om Malik explains it better than me. Alexa IS NOT RELIABLE AND EVEN WRONG. Period. Why so many use/mention it then? because it is free.
Is there something bad?
COM\CLIENT\BIN\TGCMD.EXE C:\PROGRAM FILES\MOZILLA FIREFOX\FIREFOX.EXE C:\PROGRAM FILES\HIJACKTHIS\HIJACKTHIS.EXE R1 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Bar = http://us.rd.yahoo.com/customize/ycosearch/ie.html
Frugal living: credit cards
Yes, Credit Cards CAN be good for you! I have one credit card that I use for all my day-to-day expenses (shopping, petrol, bill payments) but as I pay off the balance each month in full, it doesn't cost me a cent in interest - the only
My "alternative" investments
Aside from the main part of my investment portfolio being in stocks and property, I have a minor portion of my portfolio (around 5%) invested in some "alternative" assets: Hedge Funds - Ord Minnett OM-IP 220 series 1, OM-IP 320,
Education costs - getting work to pay
It's always good to get some "free" money from your employer. Yesterday I had my application for study assistance approved, up to a maximum of $1200 this year. I'm currently doing a Masters in IT by distance education and my employer

Yahoo! Finanza
Quotazioni, grafici, analisi e notizie su tutti i mercati finanziari e la borsa. Tutti gli aggiornamenti su mib30, Wall Street, Nasdaq, dollaro,
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Take a closer look at Yahoo! Mail. Get these great features: Powerful protection against spam and viruses, 1GB of email storage, PhotoMail, message size up
Yahoo! Chat powered by Lycos
La nuova Chat richiede un nuovo nickname, separato dalla tua ID Yahoo! e dagli Chat, e che è necessario accedere con la solita ID e password Yahoo!.
Notizie Yahoo!: ultime notizie dall'Italia e dal mondo
Notizie Yahoo!: ultime notizie dall'Italia e dal mondo.
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Markets: Dow -0.21% · Nasdaq +0.28%. Hide News · Search Preferences - Make Yahoo! Search Your Home Page - Search Services

Notizie Yahoo!: ultime notizie dall'Italia e dal mondo
Notizie Yahoo!: ultime notizie dall'Italia e dal mondo.
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Markets: Dow -0.21% · Nasdaq +0.28%. Hide News · Search Preferences - Make Yahoo! Search Your Home Page - Search Services
Yahoo! Meteo: previsioni meteo quotidiane. Le previsioni del tempo
Meteo. Previsioni meteo per l'Italia, previsioni tempo week end, tempo Italia.
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At Yahoo! Finance, you get free stock quotes, up to date news, portfolio management resources, international market data, message boards, and mortgage rates
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