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Testing on UNIX-Getting Started
All that an OS needs to qualify, as a UNIX OS is that it should be a POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface) compliant. POSIX is a set of rules or policies defined just like ISO (International Organization of Standards) or CMM
The first entry 1 shows us an existing
OpenBSD, like many UNIX-like operating systems, supports the lsof(8) program that helps track down which files are open. (Although lsof is not integrated with OpenBSD, it’s available in /usr/ports/ sysutils/lsof.
shows that the connection is 10baseT, or common
IP Routing When administering most UNIX-like operating systems, you don’t need to understand routing. The network administrator gives you the IP address of the default route, you put it in the appropriate configuration file,
Gobby & Obby - Cross-Platform Collaborative Editing
It runs on Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and other Unix-like platforms. It uses GTK+ 2.6 as its windowing toolkit and thus integrates nicely into the GNOME desktop environment. Check out the Gobby's list of features,
installing on unix-like systems you should have made
installing on unix-like systems you should have made the decision to install php as a module as opposed to a cgi. if installing from source code is a nightmare for you, and you really want to use an install wizard, there are some viable
backing up a unix-like system 17 oct 2006
great article on the thought processes you should go through to set up your backups."a proper backup contains far more than just your data. it also contains the data about your data: the metadata. it will also contain all the specific
backing up a unix-like system
on some of the subtle issues involved in doing backups, like making sure that metadata is properly preserved. the author’s favorite tool is a program called “dar”, which i have never used before. backing up a unix(-like) system
Ballmer on Novell, Linux and patents
Today the form of Unix that people want is Unix that runs on Intel architecture What is the popular form of Unix on Intel? It's Linux. There's just a variety of workloads where we, today, feel like we want to run Linux.
sudown brings unix-like sudo to windows
sudown brings unix-like sudo to windows: a unix-like method of performing privileged commands within windows environments. “with windows vista, the next scheduled release of microsoft windows due in early 2007, microsoft has rigged
Oracle SQL To Select A Field Only If It Contains A Char
The decode statement works like an IF-THEN-ELSE. In the first part, we use instr to see if the colon is in the field. The instr command will return the position that the colon occurs in, or 0 if it is not present.

Unix - Wikipedia
Lo UNIX® (vedi anche paragrafo 1.7) è un sistema operativo portabile per computer Inoltre, Unix realizza alcuni dei più diffusi servizi e protocolli di
Il Software - IL sito italiano sul software
PowerShell: l'interfaccia Unix-like per la gestione di Windows di una piattaforma che potesse rappresentare l'equivalente in Windows della shell Unix.
Unix-szerű - Wikipédia
Unix-szerű vagy Un*x-szerű (angolul Unix-like) rendszereknek nevezzük azon operációs rendszereket, amik hasonlóak a Unix rendszerhez, de nem feltétlenül
The UNIX System, UNIX System
The Open Group holds the UNIX trademark in trust for the industry, and manages the UNIX trademark licensing program.
NT版UNIX-like tools
ここは、NT版UNIX-like toolsに関する情報を提供するページです。 新出尚之氏 によるUNIX-like tools(Ver 4.12b)を、株式会社ピーデーの川俣晶が、Windows NT上で

The UNIX System, UNIX System
The Open Group holds the UNIX trademark in trust for the industry, and manages the UNIX trademark licensing program.
NT版UNIX-like tools
ここは、NT版UNIX-like toolsに関する情報を提供するページです。 新出尚之氏 によるUNIX-like tools(Ver 4.12b)を、株式会社ピーデーの川俣晶が、Windows NT上で
UNIX-like software for DOS
Includes links to emacs, textutils, ghostscript. Includes pointers to many mirror-sites.
Unix-like - Wikipédia
Diagrama da relação de vários sistemas Unix-like Não existe nenhum documento que defina as regras de um sistemas Unix-like, ao contrário do Unix que é
UNIX-like tools(Windows95/98/Me / ユーティリティ)
Unix » ossblog
La ciliegina sulla torta consiste nel fatto che Elisa è un progetto multipiattaforma che girerà su Gnu/Linux, sistemi Unix-like ma anche su Windows.
Unix-like - Wikipedia
數種「類UNIX作業系統」的相互關係圖. Unix-like指各种传统的Unix系统, 比如FreeBSD、OpenBSD、SUN公司的Solaris, 来自“http://zh.wikipedia. org/wiki/Unix-like”
Unix - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Several plural forms of Unix are used to refer to multiple brands of Unix and Unix-like systems. Most common is the conventional "Unixes", but the hacker
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