ASP.NET 2.0: XML Membership Provider WebProNews
ASP.NET ships with a SqlMembershipProvider and a ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider that makes user authentication and authorization very easy to implement, but for some reason those are the only membership providers provided natively by ASP.NET 2.0. So, what do you do when you don't want or can't use SQL Server or Active Directory for memberships? You have to build a custom membership provider
.Net is .Not part of Visual Studio 2005 name Velozie
Microsoft has decided to drop the ".Net" from Visual Studio's name when it ships the much anticipated, but recently delayed, upgrade to Visual Studio .Net 2003. Up until last week, the upgrade was known by the code name Whidbey.
One of the mainstays of being a Web developer -no matter the platform-is being able to connect to a database and store and retrieve data. And since all databases use the SQL in some form or another, these skills are easily ferable between different projects.
New Virtual Hard Disk Program Should Speed Up Enterprise Software Evaluations Microsoft Watch
Microsoft has unveiled a virtual hard disk (VHD) Test Drive Program, which allows customers to evaluate both its enterprise software and that from its software partners in a fraction of the time it would normally take.
GrokThis.net, Mono/ASP.NET hosting provider, introduces MS SQL Server 2005 packages. Web Host Directory
Web hosting provider GrokThis.net ( www.grokthis.net ) has unveiled support for Microsoft’s SQL Server 2005 database.
World-class Museums Choose Interwoven for Digital Asset Management and Preservation SYS-CON Media
Interwoven, Inc. , key sponsor of the Museum Computer Network's 34th Annual Conference and provider of Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solutions for business, today announced the adoption of Interwoven's MediaBin Asset Server by several world-class museums that include the Indianapolis Museum of Art, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Minneapolis Institute of Art, the National Heritage Board
Developer buzz breaches Barcelona TechWorld
Programming and databases mingle at Microsoft's TechEd. TechEd has rediscovered developer buzz after a period where Microsoft seemed to be unduly concentrating on business.
JOB OPPORTUNITIES St. Petersburg Times
Is looking for PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS OF ENGLISH AND BUSINESS ENGLISH – NATIVE SPEAKERS. SPb. Sadovaya, 54, office 208/201 320-77-22, 312-75-65 e-mail: metodspb@denisschool.ru
MedNetwoRx Selects Allscripts Electronic Health Record and Practice Management for 115 Providers and Retail Medical SYS-CON Media
Allscripts , the leading provider of clinical software, connectivity and information solutions that physicians use to improve healthcare, announced today that MedNetwoRx will deploy TouchWorks(TM) Electronic Health Record and Practice Management to automate and connect clinical and administrative processes for 115 physicians and in MedXpress retail medical clinics.
MedNetwoRx Selects Allscripts Electronic Health Record and Practice Management for 115 Providers and Retail Medical FinanzNachrichten
CHICAGO and DALLAS, Nov. 9 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Allscripts , the leading provider of clinical software, connectivity and information solutions that physicians use to improve healthcare, announced today that MedNetwoRx will deploy TouchWorks(TM) Electronic Health Record and Practice Management to automate and connect clinical and administrative processes for 115 physicians and in MedXpress
Pegasus - Connessione a SQL Server da Pagine ASP.
Connessione a SQL Server da Pagine ASP. Informazioni necessarie. Il servizio SQL Server di Pegasus è un servizio opzionale disponibile solo per alcuni
WebMasterPoint.org - ASP Tutorial: Connessione ad un database
ASP: Connessione ad un database Microsoft SQL Server. Tutorials, esempi di codice, per illustrare come realizzare applicazioni asp professionali.
ASP Help, ASP Tutorials, ASP Programming, ASP Code - ASP Free
ASP.NET This is the first article in a series focusing on Microsoft SQL Server 2005: Introduction to the Unified Dimensional Model (UDM)
Stored Procedure in SQL Server: come visualizzarne la struttura
La risorsa italiana su Active Server Pages ( ASP & ASP.NET ). Come creare un sito dinamico con asp. Tutorial su asp, script asp, forum di discussione,
Tags: SQL Server | ASPItalia.com - The ASP.NET community - ASP.NET
VarChar(max), VarBinary(max) con SQL Server 2005 ed il valore di SqlDbType #834 - Validazione a gruppi di composite control con ASP.
Stored Procedure in SQL Server: come visualizzarne la struttura
La risorsa italiana su Active Server Pages ( ASP & ASP.NET ). Come creare un sito dinamico con asp. Tutorial su asp, script asp, forum di discussione,
Tags: SQL Server | ASPItalia.com - The ASP.NET community - ASP.NET
VarChar(max), VarBinary(max) con SQL Server 2005 ed il valore di SqlDbType #834 - Validazione a gruppi di composite control con ASP.
Aspin: ASP SQL Server - ASP tutorial, script, programming, code
a directory of ASP tutorials, applications, scripts, components and articles for the novice to professional developer.
SQL Server 2000, 2005 | ASPItalia.com | The ASP.NET community
[SQL Server 2000] Trigger chiama .exe. nel forum SQL Server e MySQL - 3 risposte. Impostazione lingua Italiana su SQL server 2005 o ASP
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Home
Visit this portal for all the latest news and articles to help you evaluate Microsoft SQL Server 2005 for your data management and analysis needs.
SqlLocalizationProvider: gestire le risorse di localizzazione su
del ProviderModel per attingere le risorse di localizzazione da un database SQL Server, invece che dai file resx come da standard ASP.NET.
Visual Studio 2005, MSDN, libri su ASP, ASP.NET, SQL Server
Libri, software e riviste sulla programmazione web based per Windows. Pagamenti con carta di credito, bonifico, conto corrente postale, contrassegno.
Impostazione lingua Italiana su SQL server 2005 o ASP | SQL Server
ASP dovrebbe essere settato correttamente, ed inoltre anche da SQL server managment studio, aprendo la tabella si nota che le stringhe sono salvate non