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Achieve high availability with log shipping in SQL Server 2000 Tech Republic
Log shipping is a technology in SQL Server that database administrators can use to provide a standby database to failover to in the event of a primary database failure. Tim Chapman outlines this useful technology.
Silico-Magnetic Intelligence Corp. Launches SQL 2005 Grand Prix SYS-CON Media
Silico-Magnetic Intelligence Corp. ( has today released a full-motion video and audio CD-ROM training suite for Microsoft SQL Server 2005. With the suite titled 'SQL 2005 Grand Prix,' database/data warehouse/business intelligence developers, administrators and project managers will learn techniques for configuring, administering and programming for Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Silico-Magnetic Intelligence Corp. Launches SQL 2005 Grand Prix PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
Silico-Magnetic Intelligence Corp. has today released a full-motion video and audio CD-ROM training suite for Microsoft SQL Server 2005. With the suite titled "SQL 2005 Grand Prix," database/data warehouse/business intelligence developers, administrators and project managers will learn techniques for configuring, administering and programming for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and Analysis Services
Software Suite brings CDC support to SQL Server. ThomasNet
Attunity Integration Suite v5.0, comprised of Attunity Connect, Attunity Federate, and Attunity Stream, offers SOA capabilities, management facilities for large-scale deployments, and support for multiple data sources. Change data capture (CDC) capabilities allow efficient capture and fer of only changed data items from source database to target database. Software also provides CDC
Microsoft trims support for SQL Server 2005 InfoWorld
( InfoWorld ) - Microsoft Corp. will only support SQL Server 2005 running Service Pack 2 on its upcoming Vista and Longhorn server operating systems, a move that an analyst said isn't surprising, but shouldn't have a dramatic effect on administrators. Microsoft suggested in an advisory posted Sept. 27 that customers running SQL Server 2000 and earlier versions, such as 7.0 and 6.5, should
New Virtual Hard Disk Program Should Speed Up Enterprise Software Evaluations Microsoft Watch
Microsoft has unveiled a virtual hard disk (VHD) Test Drive Program, which allows customers to evaluate both its enterprise software and that from its software partners in a fraction of the time it would normally take.
Take A Test Drive Of Microsoft's Virtualized Server Software InformationWeek
Windows Server software is available in a virtualized format for what Microsoft is calling its Test Drive Program.
Brief: Microsoft trains partners to improve security SecurityFocus
Microsoft trains partners to improve security >> Advertisement << ALERT: "How A Hacker Launches A Blind SQL Injection Attack Step-by-Step"!" - White Paper Blind SQL Injection can deliver total control of your server to a hacker giving them the ability to read, write and manipulate all data stored in your backend systems! Download this *FREE* white paper from SPI Dynamics for a complete guide
Gateway Introduces AMD OpteronTM Processors to Its Server Line With New Dual-Core 1U, 2U and 3U Rack Servers FinanzNachrichten
IRVINE, Calif., Nov. 7 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Beginning today, Gateway's professional customers now have more choices in powerful yet energy-efficient servers, with the availability of three new rackmount systems featuring second generation AMD(R) Opteron(TM) processors.
SQL Server 2005 SP1 Users Face Vista, Longhorn Glitches PC Magazine via Yahoo! News
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 customers will have to upgrade from Service Pack 1 to an as-yet unavailable Service Pack 2 before their applications will be able to work with Vista or the Longhorn server.

Microsoft SQL Server - Wikipedia
SQL Server 7.0 è stato il primo database server basato su un&#39;interfaccia grafica. L&#39;attuale versione, Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (9.0), è stata rilasciata
Database - Guida di
Query di base dati eterogenee con SQL Server 7 in ADO: Una delle novità più interessanti di SQL Server 7 è proprio quella di poter eseguire interrogazioni
::: - Tips - Qualche Utility da utilizzare con SQL Server
Componenti SQL-DMO versione SQL Server 7.0 e relative dipendenze quali IE 4.0 o Dalla versione 7.0 di SQL Server non è più possibile interrogare le
'SQL Server 7 Amministrazione' - - i libri del Sapere
librando è una libreria on-line dove puoi acquistare libri, in particolare manuali, con pagamento in contrassegno o con carta di credito e con sconti su
Microsoft SQL Server - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The code base for Microsoft SQL Server (prior to version 7.0) originated in Sybase SQL Server 7.0 was the first true GUI based database server and was a

Database - Guida di
Query di base dati eterogenee con SQL Server 7 in ADO: Una delle novità più interessanti di SQL Server 7 è proprio quella di poter eseguire interrogazioni - Tips - Qualche Utility da utilizzare con SQL Server
Componenti SQL-DMO versione SQL Server 7.0 e relative dipendenze quali IE 4.0 o Dalla versione 7.0 di SQL Server non è più possibile interrogare le
'SQL Server 7 Amministrazione' - - i libri del Sapere
librando è una libreria on-line dove puoi acquistare libri, in particolare manuali, con pagamento in contrassegno o con carta di credito e con sconti su
Microsoft SQL Server - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The code base for Microsoft SQL Server (prior to version 7.0) originated in Sybase SQL Server 7.0 was the first true GUI based database server and was a
INF: SQL Server 7.0 Security Update for Service Pack 4
Microsoft distributes SQL Server 7.0 security fixes as one downloadable file. Because the security fixes are cumulative, each new release contains all the
Microsoft SQL Server - Upgrading from SQL Server 7 to 2000 (Part 2
In Part 1, I introduced the basic options for upsizing a SQL Server from version 7.0 to 2000. One important part of that article was the list of what has to
Utilizzare SQL Server 7
SQL Server 7, come la versione 6.5, può essere amministrato utilizzando In SQL Server 7 tali strumenti sono ancora più semplici da uti-
Mondadori Informatica Education
E’ coautrice di “Microsoft SQL Server 7 Administrator’s Companion” e di “Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 Performance Tuning Guida tecnica”.
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