RE: yahoo issues?
John,. Have checked my spool and there is no problem at my end, with yahoo mails, all working smoothly, i am currently running v8.15. Cheers Austin
Open Question: Where do I put the file on my server and how do I
Here are the way the files look on my host server. ----- backup/cgi bin/htdocs ----then in the htdocs folder there are these files: images/scripts/index.htm etc. I want to put a .pdf file on my webpage. Where do I put it,
Open Question: How do I upload a test website in asp to a server
This works fine on my local server. When I uploaded the site inside its' own folder with copies of the data and images, I then tried uploading a single page to the server root folder, and the page was found, but an error stating the
Open Question: I am now getting am 0x800ccc92 error when logging
I use Outlook to access my btinternet mail and all was fine until last week, but I now get an 0x800ccc92 error from the ougoing SMTP server when I try and send mail. I can still log onto the incoming POP3 server OK and get me mail and I
Open Question: Configuring Outlook Express to send outgoing Gmail
The error always states: Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for this include server problems, network problems, Account: 'pop.gmail.com', Server: 'smtp.gmail.com', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25,
Open Question: "Why do .jpg attachments FROM yahoo net-mail fail
The same .jpg attachments decode properly when sent from a POP3 server and Outlook Express
Can't access Windows Update or Housecall with IE
C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Media Music Server\SSSvr.exe C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.exe C:\Program Files\Sony\Photo Server 20\appsrv\PicAppSrv.exe O2 - BHO: Yahoo! Toolbar Helper - {02478D38-C3F9-4EFB-9B51-7695ECA05670} - C:\Program
Open Question: is your computer bugging out.if i turn it off and
it also says cannot find server;it's like i have to force myself back in. i'm wondering is anyone else having this weid problem.i've been trying to install a printer and i'm not doing so great,i get the lexmark toolbar but it won't
Open Question: Looking for recipe for red onions that I had in a
Food server said they were made with vinegar and lime juiceDoes any one have an authentic recipe for this delicious side dish
Open Question: my messenger say your proxy setting are not valid i
when i try to sin up at messenger it say your proxy server not valid i try evry thing i knew but still have seam problem any one can help me please
Problema col server Yahoo!
Problema col server Yahoo! Connessione al server pop.mail.yahoo.it fuori tempo massimo. E caso strano accedendo a Yahoo! Mail dal sito yahoo.it lo staff
Yahoo! Answers - che succede al server yahoo? nei giochi, ad
5 answers - l'ingresso nelle stamze del backgammon è impossibile da giorni!
Incoming and Outgoing Mail Server Settings for Hotmail, Yahoo
Incoming and Outgoing Mail Server Settings for Hotmail, Yahoo, Google GMail, AOL and more.
Server - Yahoo! Salute
I computer collegati e che utilizzano il servizio del server si chiamano client NOTA: Le informazioni raccolte su questo sito vengono trattate da Yahoo!
Yahoo! Aiuto - Messenger
I firewall e i server proxy sono la causa più comune dei problemi di connessione di Yahoo! Messenger, ma questo può essere configurato in modo da funzionare
Yahoo! Answers - che succede al server yahoo? nei giochi, ad
5 answers - l'ingresso nelle stamze del backgammon è impossibile da giorni!
Incoming and Outgoing Mail Server Settings for Hotmail, Yahoo
Incoming and Outgoing Mail Server Settings for Hotmail, Yahoo, Google GMail, AOL and more.
Server - Yahoo! Salute
I computer collegati e che utilizzano il servizio del server si chiamano client NOTA: Le informazioni raccolte su questo sito vengono trattate da Yahoo!
Yahoo! Aiuto - Messenger
I firewall e i server proxy sono la causa più comune dei problemi di connessione di Yahoo! Messenger, ma questo può essere configurato in modo da funzionare
YPOPs! :: Free POP3/SMTP access to Yahoo Mail!
Yahoo! Mail disabled free access to its POP3 service oÂn 24th April, 2002. This application emulates a POP3 server and enables popular email clients like
Im server yahoo software by IM Monitor Software and others
im server yahoo at Free Downloads Center Instan-t IM Server 4.0 is an Instant Messaging platform that allows you to set-up a secure private IM network,
Yahoo! Privacy
La maggior parte dei messaggi pubblicitari che vedi sulle pagine della nostra rete di siti Web, sono inviati al tuo browser direttamente dai server di Yahoo
Liste mit POP3- und SMTP-Servern
Der SMTP-Server läuft auf Port 465 oder 587, der POP3-Server auf Port 995 Sie müssen sich erst für Yahoo! Direkt anmelden, um POP3 und SMTP nutzen zu