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Equitrac Office and Express Certified for Windows ServerTM 2003 SYS-CON Media
Equitrac Corporation, the world leader and most trusted name in intelligent cost recovery and print management solutions, today announced that its award-winning Equitrac Office 4 and Equitrac Express 4 solutions have achieved Microsoft(R) Windows Server 2003 certification at both Standard and Enterprise levels.
Windows Vista Developer Talks About Quality eWeek
Some two months ago Jim Allchin, the man who leads Windows development, decided he needed to appoint someone to ensure that Vista's quality met the company's internal quality goals and who could help the team communicate that effectively, both internally and externally.
Sun executives sound off on Java, OS plans Velozie
Sun Microsystems Inc. is planning a number of announcements in coming weeks to redouble efforts to use aggressive pricing and technological innovation to win customers from competitors, but is downplaying rumors about talks with IBM Corp. to create an open-source version of Sun's Java technology.
THE PACHECOS: 'We know that we can do it. We want to work hard for this.' The Santa Rosa Press Democrat
Neil Pacheco just about gave up hope after five months of shopping for a home. The monthly payments seemed prohibitive on the $484,000 house he was eyeing on a cul-de-sac in Windsor.
Allchin: Vista So Safe I Don't Need Anti-Virus Software TechWeb via Yahoo! News
The security in the new operating systems has improved so much that Windows co-president Jim Allchin lets his son run a PC without anti-virus software.
Esker DeliveryWare 4.0 Receives Certification for Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
MADISON, Wis.----Esker, the leader in business document delivery solutions, today announced Esker DeliveryWare 4.0 successfully passed all required testing for certification of Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition and Enterprise Edition.
PET Project Gets Boost from Server Virtualization eWeek
Case Study: The American College of Radiology enlists the help of startup Egenera to optimize server use in its data center.
What Ray Knew TechWeb via Yahoo! News
Sure, Novell benefited from the PC boom, columnist Eric Hall says. But the inverse is also true--without Novell and specifically Ray Noorda, the PC industry as a whole would have almost certainly evolved down a different path.
World-class Museums Choose Interwoven for Digital Asset Management and Preservation SYS-CON Media
Interwoven, Inc. , key sponsor of the Museum Computer Network's 34th Annual Conference and provider of Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solutions for business, today announced the adoption of Interwoven's MediaBin Asset Server by several world-class museums that include the Indianapolis Museum of Art, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Minneapolis Institute of Art, the National Heritage Board
Microsoft et Bull s'unissent pour offrir une solution de calcul de haute performance SYS-CON Media
- Bull adopte Microsoft Windows Compute Cluster Server 2003.

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