Which Vista Is the Right Vista? PC Magazine via Yahoo! News
Opinion: Vista is finally—we think—arriving shortly. But, which, if any, Vista is the one you should buy for your home or company?
Scalable collaboration solutions, revisited Tech Republic
A lot has happened in the collaboration space since we visited the topic in this column over a year ago. New offerings from Microsoft make it easier than ever for co-workers to share documents and applications, attend virtual meetings and presentations, and otherwise work together on a project despite being geographically dispersed.
Netmeeting & Webcam - coppiAperta
Una volta installato il programma (faccio riferimento a NetMeeting che è il Si deve poi spuntare la casella CONNETTI AD UN SERVER IN ELENCHI IN LINEA
Chat - Programmi - Voice & Video chat - Scheda Microsoft
Un'ultima nota riguarda gli eventuali messaggi di errore che riguardano l'impossibilità a collegarsi ad un determinato ILS server all'avvio di NetMeeting.
Netmeeting server directory's online
Trackerfrog.com: NetMeeting server directory's online. This is a list of NetMeeting directories. ils.netmeetinghq.com. hello.connectedpc.com
VideoConference Server by TREVISO OnLine
NetMeeting Ver. 3.0. Nuovo Servizio - Nuovo Servizio - Nuovo Servizio - Nuovo Servizio. SI, è stato attivato un server direttamente in TREVISO OnLine per
NetMeeting Home
NetMeeting delivers a complete Internet conferencing solution for all Windows users with Office Live Meeting Office Communications Server 20072
Videofrog NetMeeting ILS Scanner & CUSeeMe servers, live webcams
Thousands of NetMeeting users are available right now in a searchable directory here. Click here to enter the largest NetMeeting ILS server list on the web!
Netzwerktotal.de - Kommunikation mit Microsoft NetMeeting
Möglichkeit 2: Sie können die Verbindung auch über einen NetMeeting-Server herstellen. Klicken Sie dazu auf "Verzeichnis". Im folgenden Fenster bekommen Sie
上海交通大å¦NetMeetingæœåŠ¡å™¨(SJTU NetMeeting Server)!
Microsoft Windows NetMeeting. 是一个多媒体视频会议系统,通过Internet进行实时 音频ã€è§†é¢‘和数æ®é€šè®¯ã€‚ 上海交通大å¦NetMeeting目录æœåŠ¡å™¨åœ°å€(Directory):