Re: Can't connect to IMAP mail server
Just as a reminder - Webmail uses the IMAP interface to manage mail, does it not? (If this is true, and I think from the error messages I have seen it is - then if IMAP is broken, webmail should be too
POP mail server
I am having trouble setting up my Gmail as a pop server. I had it recieving mail and not sending then I talked with sprint and they told me to try a hard reset now I cant get it to recieve or send. anyone have tips for the set up.
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This is a high-performance SMTP POP3 server program designed for large enterprises and It has a lot of security features and options that allow you to protect the server from DDoS attacks as well as safely block SPAM and spammer.
Mail Server
Latest update at 22:18:47 11/11/06 Pacific Time (0 replies)
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"The ASSP server project is an Open Source platform-independent parent SMTP proxy server that leverages numerous methodologies and technologies to both rigidly and adaptively identify spam. This web site's domain name, "ASSPSMTP",
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Enhance Your Mail Server With ASSP (Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy). ASSP stands for Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy. The ASSP server project is an Open Source platform-independent parent SMTP proxy server that leverages numerous methodologies and
Re: Can't connect to IMAP mail server
reported error (0x8004DF0B) : 'Outlook is unable to download folder (null) from the IMAP e-mail server for account mail.prodadesign.co.uk. Error: Outlook must connect to the server to complete this action. To connect, select any folder
Re: Can't connect to IMAP mail server
"Outlook is unable to download folder (null) from the IMAP e-mail server" - Especially since webmail is working fine for you. If you have a firewall, or something like Norton Internet Security, you could turn that off and try again.
E-mail problem
SMTP error from remote mail server after initial connection: host mx.superposta.com []: 553 Your host does not have reverse dns entry. Please Contact your internet services provider(#5.7.1)" Is this about my server and
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Io consiglio di installare il Mail Server su un'altra partizione diversa da C:\ perché rispondere come Mail Server. Per Impostare il tuo IP è semplice.
ArGoSoft Mail Server
ArGoSoft Mail Server Homepage. ArGoSoft Mail Server is full SMTP/POP3/Finger/IMAP server for all Windows platforms, which will let you turn your
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ArGoSoft Mail Server
ArGoSoft Mail Server Homepage. ArGoSoft Mail Server is full SMTP/POP3/Finger/IMAP server for all Windows platforms, which will let you turn your
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Merak Mail Server Software is a Windows-based mail server with webmail, anti virus, anti spam, instant messaging and groupware.
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An SMTP/IMAP/POP3 and webmail server with extensions for mailing list management and spam filtering. [GNU/Linux, Unix]
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