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The Civil War in Iraq
He wields power because of his wealth. He is the richest man in the world. He could buy peace if he wished. Just think about that. He could buy peace if he wished. I pick on Bill Gates because he is at the top.
Happy 80th, Dad
He was born in 1926 and died in August of 1986, just shy of 60. years there have been times when I wished painfully that my Dad could be a part of my life. Nevertheless, I miss him like crazy and wish he could see my family.
More Bear conversations.
Go away! No more math today, okay? Just leave me in PEACE! BEAR: (sniffing melodramatically, in an injured whisper) But I like math. I like math… I wish he’d like READING so much. Then he could read the math book and do math alone.
A Look Inside the Minds of Magic akathoughts - Sa9+
I could have played chaser, so he could be seeker, but Snape is evil, so he has I wish he were here right now. I could use our victory as an excuse to hug him. He's hesitating! What if he didn't mean to kiss me? What if he just
Blues Bash Concert Review: Joe Bonamassa - Live At Blues Alley
During "Dreaming" he just flat-out showed off, laying down some of the fastest, I could have listened to the acoustic stuff all night, but when he eventually How I wish I had bought tickets to both shows, like many others did.
this could be destiny, oh sweetheart
I won't hold my aching head and sigh, delete this entry, wish I hadn't said anything. I had to talk about it. If I could have just forgotten him it wouldn't have really been love, would it? He lives in my subconscious.
Having recently been asked why it was that I had not yet written a
Some people forget that Remembrance Sunday is not just for those that fought in the World Wars, And the lonely British soldier wished he was back home again The jobs were hard to come by and he could not face the dole
The real answer could lead to a rich discussion: 'What the hell we're doing here? I just wish they would do their own style. I don't mind that they copy us parties that he had a receiver by which he could read others' late-night
"I have some newsWe are screwed."
It could just be courtesy, I mean they are friends and Kate does care about him. I wish they spent more time on the hatch. I just felt like the writers didn't The one woman he thought he could rely on to be on his side, Caprica,
Jote joteyali,KKG,Don,Umrao Jaan
The audience is just expected to believe the missing flesh in a relationship. If he really wanted to remake he could have done any comedy or romantic movie wish we could make some change to the story , we wish if someone was not

JUST SAW MCCAIN TALKING ABOUT THE GOP'S PROBLEMS, and he sounded a lot like is an accurate reflection I think the GOP will wish it had passed all those
Bin Laden's Mother Worried Sick | The Onion - America's Finest
JEDDAH, SAUDI ARABIA—He could be in a ditch somewhere and I wouldn't even know the fretful mother said, "I just wish he would pick up a phone every once
Promise keeper: the last wish of a dying boy - University of Notre
It's a story about a dying boy and his last wish. He wanted to call a play for And I just told him he could rest, it was time to stop fighting, that he
The Blog | Bob Cesca: The President Gets His Wish: He's The
The President Gets His Wish: He's The Dictator (205 comments ) comfort to the "enemy," I could be arrested and detained indefinitely without ever being
If Chafee had quit the GOP when Jeffords did, he could have stayed in the who asked that his name not be used because he wished to remain anonymous.

The Blog | Bob Cesca: The President Gets His Wish: He's The
The President Gets His Wish: He's The Dictator (205 comments ) comfort to the "enemy," I could be arrested and detained indefinitely without ever being
If Chafee had quit the GOP when Jeffords did, he could have stayed in the who asked that his name not be used because he wished to remain anonymous.
OpinionJournal - Peggy Noonan
He vowed to do all he could to help Jim Webb come in and serve in the U.S. Capitol. I look at the new Congress and wish them so well, such luck.
Eject! Eject! Eject!: TRIBES
If he wanted to help people – and that’s all – he could have paid for that The sheepdogs, the warriors, said, "Dear God, I wish I could have been on one
- Media Notes Extra - washingtonpost.com
But, he says, "if the media are guilty of beating the Democratic House takeover Could they be looking to curry favor with the GOP, just in case the
Make-A-Wish Recipient Now Wishes Macho Man Randy Savage Would Go
Enlarge Image Make A Wish R. Blashock views Savage's muscles again. "You could just see the confusion in Tyler’s eyes—he didn’t understand why this was
Captain's Quarters
I want to wish all of our brave and courageous men in uniform, past and present, (Well, I suppose he could, but that would be too easy.
I (RCS Song Titles Index)
I Just Don't Like This Kind Of Livin', Laura Lee Perkins · Imperial X5493, 1958/Feb. 24 I Wish, The Collins Kids, [unissued]. I Wish I Could Believe You
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