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RE: Losing dbspaces/chunks after server shutdown
just for remember "to restart your instance, you put the server down (onmode -ky) 32766 maximum > > > > NOTE: The values in the "size" and "free" columns for (514) 262-3166 > > > > Tel: (514) 426-4886 > > > > Fax: (514) 426-0499
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Re: Losing dbspaces/chunks after server shutdown
Please refer to Server machine notes for more information. 32766 maximum >> >> NOTE: The values in the "size" and "free" columns for DBspace >> chunks are Cell: (514) 262-3166 >> >> Tel: (514) 426-4886 >> >> Fax: (514) 426-0499
RE: Losing dbspaces/chunks after server shutdown
Please refer to Server machine notes for more information. 2047 maximum > > Chunks > > address chunk/dbs offset size free bpages flags pathname > > 4012a948 1 Cell: (514) 262-3166 > > Tel: (514) 426-4886 > > Fax: (514) 426-0499
Losing dbspaces/chunks after server shutdown
Good day all, My problem has to do with the IDS 10 server I am currently running on an IBM 2047 maximum Chunks address chunk/dbs offset size free bpages flags pathname Cell: (514) 262-3166 Tel: (514) 426-4886 Fax: (514) 426-0499
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Questo documento descrive in dettaglio uno dei modi più semplici per configurare un fax server nel proprio sistema Linux. Il fax sarà disponibile agli
Fax server - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to: navigation, search. A fax server is a set of software running on a server computer which is equipped with
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PLUTO Project | Free Software Project since 1992
Questo doento descrive in dettaglio uno dei modi più semplici per configurare un fax server nel proprio sistema Linux. Il fax sarà disponibile agli
Fax server Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to: navigation, search. A fax server is a set of software running on a server computer which is equipped with
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The more versatile way involves sending your fax by email with a correctly formatted e-mail address (the The body of the fax, as you wish it to appear:
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