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Verio Expands Reseller Opportunities with New Virtualized Web Hosting TopHosts.com
November 9, 2006 – Verio Inc., a leading provider of hosting and managed services, today announced the third generation of its FreeBSD Virtual Private Server solution (VPS v3) for its viaVerio® reseller partners.
Verio Unveils New Virtualized Hosting Solution TopHosts.com
November 8, 2006 - Verio Inc., a leading provider of hosting and managed services, today unveiled the third generation of its FreeBSD-based Virtual Private Server solution (VPS v3), updated with improved server efficiency and support for the newest technologies.
Pipe Ten Adds New Hosting Plans Web Host Industry Review
November 8, 2006 -- UK Web hosting provider Pipe Ten announced on Tuesday it has added a new range of flexible Windows and Linux reseller hosting services, including shared hosting and dedicated packages.
Layered Technologies Launches Utility Computing Server Grid Web Host Directory
Layered Technologies, a leader in the self managed dedicated server solutions, today announced its release of its first 32 node grid-server network called "The Grid Layer" (TGL).
Layered Technologies Launches Utility Computing Server Grid PR Web
Layered Technologies, a leader in the self managed dedicated server solutions, today announced its release of its first 32 node grid-server network called "The Grid Layer" (TGL). (PRWeb Nov 7, 2006) Trackback URL: http://www.prweb.com/chachingpr.php/RW1wdC1TcXVhLVByb2YtUGlnZy1NYWduLVplcm8=
Verio Introduces New VPS v3 Solution Web Host Industry Review
November 10, 2006 -- (WEB HOST INDUSTRY REVIEW) -- The Web hosting industry has seen a resurgence of virtual private servers, particularly because they provide a level of customization that cannot be fulfilled by a shared hosting solution.
Coyote Point Systems Expands Partner Program With Focus on Managed Hosting Web Host Directory
ISPCON Fall 2006 -- Coyote Point Systems, Inc., the performance and value leader in application traffic management, announced that leading managed hosting and colocation partners, including Engine Yard, I-Netu, NetVenture and VISI have joined the Coyote Point Partner Program.
Layered Technologies Leverages 3Tera's AppLogic Grid Operating System to Offer Grid-based Private Servers and Web PR Web
3Tera, Inc., the innovator of grid and utility computing solutions for online services and Layered Technologies, Inc., a leading hosting provider of self-managed, dedicated server platforms and services, today announced Layered Technologies will leverage 3Tera's AppLogic grid operating system to offer grid-based private servers and Web hosting services to its customers. (PRWeb Nov 7, 2006)
INetU Managed Hosting Becomes a Gold Certified Microsoft Partner PR Web via Yahoo! News
Allentown, PA (PRWEB) November 8, 2006 -- INetU Managed Hosting has attained Gold Certified Status in the Microsoft Partner Program in Networking Infrastructure Solutions and Advanced Infrastructure Solutions.
OGSi Chooses 365 Main for Large-Scale IBM BladeCenter Server Deployment PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
365 Main Inc., developer and operator of the world's finest data centers, has been selected to house the West Coast hosting infrastructure for Online Game Services Inc. . San Jose, Calif.-based OGSi currently supports in excess of one million users on its platform.

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