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Our female entrepreneurs are now officially nightlife "it girls." Last Thursday's VIP event drew a fashionable yet diverse crowd to Winnipeg's newest hot spot -- ALIVE in the district.... French prime minister vows to apply law on youth job contracts that sparked protests (Bergensavisen)
French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin vowed Sunday that a controversial law on youth jobs contracts that provoked broad protests will be applied.... David Templeton's Seldom Seen: Event seeking a man with a pan (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)
I've done some serious cooking in my lifetime; not necessarily good, but definitely serious. I've written about the time I surprised my wife with a Chinese chicken-walnut dish I got off the Internet an hour before she arrived home, then told her I simply tossed it together.... Pet cremations offered (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Petey, a large and lovable cat, was a member of the Anderson family of Richmond for 13 years. When Petey died last summer, it was a difficult time for Diane and John Anderson and their children.... Live like a Parisian, in a rented flat in a hip neighborhood, where you can get to know the clerk at the local pastry (Fort Worth Star-Telegram)
PARIS -- They call Paris the City of Love.... Selling It on the Side (Training Magazine)
Maybe you could subsidize your employee training by selling courses to outsiders. Maybe you could even turn training into a profit center. But. well, yes, there are some buts.... Si vas (Sun-Sentinel)
Cuándo: Domingo 12 de marzo, 11 a.m. a 7 p.m. Dónde: Calle Ocho (SW 8th St.) de la Pequeña Habana, entre las avenidas 4 y 27....
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