Spiritual Research Groups

Spiritual Research, far away from being a religious confession, is the research of the inner part of ourselves. It's the will of being, the aim of our soul of having answers about our problems: who we are, where we come from, where do we go.
Thsi is a page of links, of  ideas, of proposals. But, above all, it's a page for being, not for "having". It's a page of inner expression of the self. It's a page of deep and true life.
Write me for any question, and if you are pleased to add your group to this list.

Brahma Kumaris

How to reach a deep knowledge of ourselves, how to overcome fear and be free of anxiety and sorrow.
The way to understand that we are peaceful souls.
This and other is Brahma Kumaris. Founded by Brahma Baba, this Association is present in several Countries around the World.
In agreable evvirnmnet, you may know and deeply understand who you are, and learn to bring about more self-esteem and to understand you are worthy and full of light.
Like I said before, several are Centers on Brahma Kumaris aroud the world. The International website is: www.bkwsu.com. Here, you may find links to all the local sites.
Brahma Kumaris has a global retreat center in Oxford - UK. Visit its website at www.globalretreatcentre.org.uk. Another important Retreat Center in Europe is in Gubbio - Italy. Visit its website at: www.casasangam.it.
Some online bookshops are available on line. The American one is at: http://www.bkwsu.com/us_studio/usb_index.htm. For Europe, is agreeable the English one: www.bkpublications.com. A good bookshop is the Australian one: http://store.bkmedia.com.au/.
Important to remark: all the courses are free of charge. In this sense I stress a passage dealt by Global Retreat Center Website: Based on the principle that spiritual knowledge is the basic right of every human being and should never have a price tag attached, the Brahma Kumaris charge no fees for any of the courses or activities. Voluntary contributions are welcome.

Osho's world

Impossible, really impossible, not to know Osho. Alternative, different, particular, out of every rule: Osho is an interesting Spiritual Master, impossibile not to be remembered.
His tecnichs are particular, completely different than you may expect. They, rather, are a combination, a mixing of different  and several tecnichs, choosen by different traditions (Sufi, Buddhism and so on!)., and elaborated by his intelligence and skill in looking deeply into man. If you pratic them with awareness, they may give you new ways of relating to Reality, new ways of being yourself. And you may overcome fear, sorrow, in order to find your true self and your true dimension.
Osho and his costructions is a World. Plenty fo groups, proposals, activities wait for you. Doscover them, a new world might discover in your hands, and  blossom inside you.
The mainsite for Osho's World is www.osho.com. News, Meditations and so on. Visit also  Humaniversity website www.humaniversity.nl. Plenty of websites are waiting for you! Some of their links you may find upon these ones.
I hope you enjoy this World, and to test some of his tecnichs. You'll may have a lot by Osho!
Be careful, anyway! Some of Osho's tecnichs are offered at not so low fee! Expecially on Italian Websites, no charge rate indications. So, chech before for charge, so avoiding unwholesome surprises! But remember: in Osho experience quality is very considered Trainers follow an intense trainig work, with Masters and so on. All this increase quality and level, but rises up prices. So, by choosing, consider it as well! Sometimes may be useful to spend a little bit more, but have the best for our personal growth!

Interbeing: the World of Thich Nhat Hanh

Being one with all. Consider and experience oueselves as really connected one another, in order to taste a new way of living.
Interbeing is the name of an Order, founded by the Vietmanese Buddhist Monk Thich Nhat Hanh.
Throught  simple tecnichs, all breath-based, you may find joy and overcome sorrow and despear. Thich Nhat Hanh learns that, by deeply dwelling into the Present Moment. you may overcome every sorrow you may have inside your soul, and feel releaf.
Interbeing's proposal is very simple. These tecnichs are softly, smoothy. They haven't got the intensity if other tecnichs. But, Thich Nhat Hanh learns, sometimes simple thinghs may lead to wholesome results. This may be the proof.
Like every experience, it has to be tested by ourselves, to essay its results.
Thich Nhat Hanh lives in Southern France, where he has a Retreat Center, called "Plum Villages". There, you may attend multilanguage retreats, learning the Art of living in mindfullness. Visit website: www.plumvillage.org (multilanguage) and you'll find there the links for the other Centers of Interbeing.
The main International Page of Interbeing is: www.iamhome.org. Here, links to practice Groups all around the world.
Like Thich Nhat Hanh said: "I've arrived, I'm home, in the Here and the Now". This is the way. Fully living the Present Moment. To discover a real treasure!