(by Stephen Daldry –United Kingdom ; 2000)



Being electricity.

This is, maybe, the true sense of  the Dance, for Billy.

Dance is life, energy. By dancing, we can, really, loose the dimensions of everyday life, by projecting ourselves in another dimension, rich of energy.

Dancing, for Billy, is not only a way of feeling, a pleasure: it’s a reason of Life. It’s a way to live, at a time, inside Reality and outside it.

Dance and Society: Billy is in a miner’s family. His father and his brother work in a mine. His mother dead some years ago, very young (age 38). She played piano. And piano is framed at the beginning of the work. Nearly to suggest us that Music is the leitmotiv of all the story.

Nevertheless, society plays an important rule in all the story.

English unemployment, during Thatcher’s government, is on the background. Strikes and violence are in the scene, and we can observe them. Elliott’s Father and brother are involved in these problems.

But society is also a way of introducing another question: the contrast between Male and Female nature. Near the gym in which Elliott practiced box, a sort of  canteen for miners, a Dance school was opened.

Billy was attracted by it, and started boxing at dance rhytm. Suddenly he felt an energy, a new streght, in him new perspective were opened, his life changed.

Male of female spirit of Dance? This is a question in this work. Billy was contrasted by his family for his passion. Here, the model of male, hard and strong in Spirit, contrast with Dance, in which grace in movements can perform wonderful results, but for some people it’s a female practice.

But, Elliott proofs that dance is upon everything. If we think, in fact, at the effort dancers can do during some passages, in some figures, we can thing that strength, effort is not so absent in Dance. But it’s a different effort. And dancer has to make everything to hid it, showing ever a smile.

In this way, nevertheless, this contrast introduces us the theme of Homosexuality. Elliott’s best friend is homosexual, and we can notice it. So, we have the doubt Billy is too. The Director leaves ourselves with this one. Probably, for him, this is only a manner to show different opportunity of living life. The distinction between male and female is very used in Society: we often speak about “male” and “female” attitudes. But, we can remember, and Billy remembers us, that the best dancers are, often, men. In fact, Dance seems to be in contrast with the work of Miners.

The Director emphasizes it, by changing rhythms in the work. Freedom of Dance contrasts with the work in mine, so obliged to movements and schemes. Light in Dance is so different from the Dark in which miners work. Dance arises, allows to fly over and inside life.

Dance like freedom. For Billy, dance is freedom, total and true freedom. This may be in contrast with hard exercises, obliged movements and so on. We taste, in fact the scene in which he dances Ciaickowsky introducing a “tip – tap” style.

In fact, Billy dances what he feels. And he feels dance into himself. Dance, for him, is a way of living. Dance is not a practice, but it can get life itself. Billy becomes part of it. He seems to have no weight. Dancing, he becomes part of the Universe, part of Nature, part of life itself. And, for this reason, he’s appreciated, differently from people that, maybe, built-up their way of dancing during years, but feel, dancing, nothing but a mere technical exercise. They haven’t dance in their spirit, in the deep of their heart. Billy has got it.

This might open a problem: Art like freedom or constriction? For Daldry there is no contrast between these problems: Exercises, in Art, is not in the contrast with freedom, when it allows to reach freedom, and not destroys it. In this sense, exercises on the piano (to refer to Billy’s mother instrument), can have a sense if they are finalized to the expression, to improve freedom on the keyboard and not to lock creativity. For Dance it’s the same.

Social problems are clearly revealed in dance too. Billy’s teacher lives in a fine house, in contrast with the one of Billy. Social difference clearly appear.

The rhythm, in this film, is all a dance. Some moments, in the work, appears to be sad, quite melancholic. For example, when Billy thinks of his dead Mother, or when he is with his grandmother. Melancholy arises when Billy’s father is compelled to burn his piano to produce wood to warm his home, for a very sad Christmas.

But, Dance and Dance spirit gives joy, and helps to suffer every problem in life. Dance gives strength, enforces our spirit. Gives courage to us.

And, this spirit, is shown everywhere in the film. Billy always runs, shows his energy, his life strength, his willing of living how he wants. He runs and goes towards the life he wants, in his totality.

This spirit, the fantastic performance of Jamie Bell (Billy Elliott), the environment, the style, gives of this work a very pleasant and interesting film. Maybe, a way of telling us we can struggle to reach what we believe in. To make our life a true light freeway, and allowing us to live in a dream, making it true.


Sergio Ragaini