Summer boat numbers slightly lower than 2005 Block Island Times Harbormaster Chris Willi provided preliminary summer boat numbers to the Harbors Committee Tuesday, September 19. From June through the third week of September the Harbors Department counted 17,200 boats visiting New Harbor. In 2005 that number was 17,500. The month of June was very slow, Willi said Cronkite yacht is a mix of high-brow and down-home Baltimore Sun If there is such a thing as an unpretentious 64-foot yacht, the two-masted vessel owned by Walter Cronkite is it. TexSCAN Week of September 24, 2006 ADOPTION Note: It is illegal to be paid for Kilgore News Herald TexSCAN Week of September 24, 2006 ADOPTION Note: It is illegal to be paid for anything beyond medical and legal expenses in Texas adoption. PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Talk with caring people specializing in match-ing birthmothers with families nationwide. Expenses paid. Weighing In: By Ed Zieralski San Diego Union-Tribune Sep. 23 (UNION-TRIBUNE): Cruises embarking in Providence The Providence Journal PROVIDENCE -- A developer who envisions transforming this city's waterfront into a bustling port and tourism destination yesterday stood on an Allens Avenue pier and declared the first phase of his effort a success. Fishermen's Village Renovations Nearly Complete RedNova By Bob Fliss, The Sun, Port Charlotte, Fla. Sep. 22--Aside from a mixed bag of regulatory inspections, the marina renovations at Fishermen's Village are nearly complete. Sea change Baltimore Sun Boat captain Holly Ann Firuta and other women are charting new waters in male-dominated fishing circles Like many childhood disappointments, this one remains stamped in Holly Ann Firuta's memory -- as fresh as today's catch, as lingering as the smell of menhaden that once wafted over this 375-year-old fishing town. In an imperfect world, he keeps on chuggin' Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Not long past 9 a.m., the Leona B - a 99-ton tug named after the mother of the boat's captain, Tom Balistreri - pulls away from the Port of Milwaukee's heavy-lift dock. Balistreri is in the pilothouse, a $7 cigar, unlit, drooping from BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Sag Harbor Express ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE. Do you earn $800 in a day? Your own local candy route. Includes 30 machines and candy. All for $9,995. CALL 888-771-3496. $200K + POTENTIAL INCOME. Growing Firm seeks Top Professional. No Selling. No Travel. Will Train. $19,900 Investment. BCNG Portals Page San Juan Journal Top photo, Roche Harbor Resort founders Reuben and Clara Tarte lounge on their boat, Clareu. Second photo, the first Roche Harbor postcard after the construction of the marina.
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