This is an unleavened bread of very an-
tique tradition. One time, the piadina
was cooked on the testo,a stone heated
over burning embers. Today, it has lar-
gely been replaced by an ordinary skillet.
Knead together 3 3/4 cups flour, 3/4
pound lard, salt, a punch of baking soda
and enough warm water to make a
rather compact dough .Using a rolling
pin ,flatten it into disks about 1/8-inch
thick and 6 inches in diameter.Cook
the piadina on a testo or in a skillet,
turning it often and pricking the surfa-
ce with the tines of a fork. It is eaten as
a sandwich, cut in half with a filling of
soft cheese or lightly sauteed bacon.
Good, homemade piadine are always
accompanied by plentiful red wine.