Meanwhile Giacomino shows the photos to his friends and tells them about the dragon.
At that moment Mrs Blink and Mrs Chat call out:
"Paul, Jo, Giacomino! Come here! Run! Quick! They say there's a dragon. Listen!"
The TV is on.
"This is your reporter, Mr News from Strange Town. This is the latest news: a dragon is hiding in our village. Look at these photos. A hunter has found them in the wood."
"But....but.... these are my photos." says Giacomino.
"Now lets listen to Mr. Rifle, the hunter".
"The dragon is near here. We must capture him.... Alive!! Hes dangerous"
"The Prime Minister will offer a reward!".
"Oh, my!.... Those are my photos! Oh, no! The dragon is in danger! Quick!
"And now lets speak about our big problem. Listen to Mr. Experiment, our great scientist.
"Hello Mr. Experiment. What can you tell us?"
"Well.... The problem is serious. The sun is extinguishing. If the sun exstinguishes well die."
"What can we do?"