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In recent months, the loudest shouting has been over the mid-September debut of George Lucas's initial three (Entertainment Weekly) - Fed-up DVD fans decry it as ''double dipping,'' ''triple dipping,'' and right on down the line to quintuple, sextuple and septuple dipping. What are they on about?. Gambling online a high-risk game for many college students (Chicago Tribune) - Mike Zakarian is president of the student government at Boston's Emmanuel College and co-captain of the baseball team. He hopes to study education in graduate school. But he's also a whiz at online poker. He's so good that, at age 21, he won $12,000 and a seat at the World Series of Poker in Las Vegas, where last month he took home another $15,500. . Thursday's Local News (WTOL News 11) - News 11's Jerry Anderson flew to New York to talk to Katie Couric about her new role with the CBS Evening News. Here's streaming video of Part 1 of his interview.. PR Newswire Summary of Technology Copy, Aug. 29, 2006 (SYS-CON Media) - Following is a summary of high technology news releases transmitted today by PR Newswire. The full text of these releases is available at the PR Newswire for Journalists, Parliament staff empty chamber (News Interactive) - SITTINGS of the New South Wales Parliament were cut short today when staff angered by budget cuts refused to work overtime and walked off the job.. Apple Computer Recalls Laptop Batteries (WTOL News 11) - In a second major PC battery recall, Apple Computer is telling consumers to return 1.8 million Mac laptop batteries with both product recalls traced to the same manufacturing plight.. Hearts 4 Inverness Caledonian Thistle 1 (Sporting Life) - Hearts secured their first win in five games with a 4-1 triumph over Inverness Caledonian Thistle in the Bank of Scotland Premier League clash at Tynecastle.. Thursday's Local News (WTOL News 11) - Tropical Storm Debby is now looming in the Atlantic Ocean. Click here for complete coverage of the 2006 hurricane season! Every three years, Lucas County does a complete re-assessment of every property in the county.. Business Digest (Louisville Courier-Journal) - Microsoft is considering discounts or other Christmastime promotions to entice consumers to upgrade their PCs with Windows Vista, even though the new operating system isn't due to hit store shelves until January at the earliest.. For many on campuses, trouble is in the cards (Boston Globe) - Mike Zakarian is president of the student government at Emmanuel College and co-captain of the baseball team. He hopes to go to graduate school in education. But he's also a whiz at online poker. He's so good that, at age 21, he won $12,000 and a seat at the World Series of Poker in Las Vegas, where last month he .

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