New Album release in CD

Silvia Tessari




Silvia Tessari - Sentieri di Sogni

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Costs:  € 23 (including shipping costs) from abroad; € 15 from Italy.
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Cassa Rurale Dolomiti di Fassa, Primiero e Belluno (agency of Falcade). 
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The Album contains a selection of classical piano music with a strong narrative and evocative taste. It is a musical grand tour starting from Schubert, with three celebrated lieder transcribed by F. Liszt, among whisperig waves, the mysterious King of the Elves, Gretchen loving Faust. Then the listener is captured by the couple of Legends written by Liszt: in the first, there is the Glory of God guiding a Saint across a stormy sea; in the second, St. Francis from Assisi is preaching to the birds. It follows the famous Suite from The Nutcracker, full of different and enchanting sounds. After the joyous island described by Debussy, the Island of Love painted by Watteau, the last three tracks describe the obstreperous and shining carnival of St. Peterburg, with animated puppets, popular songs and trained circus animals in the well-known Trois mouvements de Pétrouchka by Stravinsky, piece de resistance with its spectacular virtuosity.