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OLPC taps 2.6.19 kernel for first Linux laptop build Desktop Linux
The One Laptop Per Child project has decided to utilize a Linux 2.6.19 OLPC kernel with a Red Hat Fedora Core 6 "run-time environment" for the first build of its giveaway portable notebook computer, the Cambridge, Mass.-based project's president for software and content said Sunday.
Hacking the IPod's One-Way Street Wired News
A number of scenarios necessitate taking music off your iPod, but Apple's software won't allow the fer. Short of using black magic and chicken blood, how does one hack into the iPod's insular white world? In Monkey Bites.
Houston, we have a problem Daily Telegraph
Technical troubles? Our digital doctor, Rick Maybury, has the cure.
Microsoft Releases Windows Vista To Manufacturing InformationWeek
As a longtime home office employee living just outside a midsize city, I've been spoiled with access to broadband, using it as my sole means of connectivity to my employer since 1995, when I was very early user of ISDN. Since 1999 or so, I've been using a cable modem and am about 99% satisfied with how it's performed over that period. That's a pretty good track record.
Receiving Core benefits at the double vnunet.com
Mark Dye, CRN , Monday 13 November 2006 at 00:00:00 Dual-core processing technology looks set to take off over the next few years as the need for multi-tasking comes becomes essential in the workplace. But smart resellers who dive in now and educate the market will capitalise, writes Mark Dye Unless you have been locked away in a cupboard for the past six months, you won’t have failed
PR Newswire Summary of Technology Copy, Nov. 9, 2006 SYS-CON Media
Following is a summary of high technology news releases mitted today by PR Newswire. The full text of these releases is available at the PR Newswire for Journalists, http://media.prnewswire.com/.
Thecus Technology Launches the N2050B eSATA Storage HardwareZone
3Gb/sec high-speed eSATA storage never looked better
Writer's Cafe Offers Novel Approach to Writing LinuxPlanet
As a fiction or novel writer, are you searching for a writing tool to help you harness your creativity and get down to efficiently developing your plot? You might have a cast of characters and need to incorporate several different sub-plots.
AMD reveals its future plans The Inquirer
IN THIS SERIES of articles, we will be addressing current, near-future and future outlook of AMD.
Anti-spyware anesthetises your OS before going to work The Inquirer
AS SPAM reaches record levels and more and more operating system exploits are discovered every week the threat of spyware has become greater than ever.

Linux on Laptops
Linux Laptops: Resource for installing Linux on laptop and notebook computers. What laptop and which distribution combines well.
TuxMobil: Linux Laptop and Notebook Installation Survey
Links to Linux on laptop and notebook installation reports and tips and tricks. HOWTOs and FAQs about Linux, BSD, Solaris and other Unix systems with
Linux Notebook HQ
Informational resource for users wishing to run Linux on a Laptop with an ATI Rage LT Pro/Mobility video chipset (eg Dell Inspiron 3700/7000/7500).
c't 17/2004, S. 84: Linux auf Notebooks
Wie sieht das perfekte Notebook für Linux aus? Viele Komponenten wollten bedacht sein, soll später das ganze Gerät im Linux-Betrieb Spaß machen.
Mobiles Linux, Notebook, PDA - linuxforen.de -- User helfen Usern
PCMCIA, WIFI, ACPI/APM, Suspend, Hibernation, Infrarot, usw.

c't 17/2004, S. 84: Linux auf Notebooks
Wie sieht das perfekte Notebook für Linux aus? Viele Komponenten wollten bedacht sein, soll später das ganze Gerät im Linux-Betrieb Spaß machen.
Mobiles Linux, Notebook, PDA - linuxforen.de -- User helfen Usern
PCMCIA, WIFI, ACPI/APM, Suspend, Hibernation, Infrarot, usw.
Light weight Linux Notebook LC2100 | LinuxCertified.com
LC2100 Linux Laptop is industry's lightest full-functional Linux notebook. Whether you like to work on a couch or while on an airplane, the sleek LC2100
Linux.com | HP's NX5000 Linux notebook: A breach of the Windows wall?
HP's NX5000 Linux notebook: A breach of the Windows wall? -- article related to Hardware.
SWT: Linux Notebook Computers
Pre-configured Linux Notebook Computers. The Asus Z62F is an Intel Core Duo notebook. All the other notebooks here have Intel Pentium M processor,
NewsForge | R Cubed's thin, fast Linux notebook
R Cubed's thin, fast Linux notebook -- article related to News and Laptops.
Lindows.com launches Linux notebook | CNET News.com
Lindows.com launches Linux notebook | The software maker takes on Hewlett-Packard and Toshiba with an inexpensive and lightweight portable PC based on its
TuxMobil.DE: Linux mit Laptop, NoteBook, PDA und Handy
Jede Menge Infos zu Linux, BSD und anderen Unix Systemen mit mobilen Computern (Laptops, Notebooks, PDAs, Handy).
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