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Save 10% on Rental Cars in Europe
Hertz is offering a 10% discount on rentals in Italy, Spain, France, and more. Book your car today
Europe on alert
A day after UK said that there were reports of serious terror attacks being planned, Europe is on red alert following the reports that the AL Qaida may target the big tourist hubs in this holiday season
Europe's Joy At the Election Outcome
Aspen Institute Berlin Director Jeffrey Gedmin has an interesting and useful piece, "Even Happier than the Democrats," in the Weekly Standard today. Gedmin previously directed the New Atlantic Initiative at the American Enterprise
Jen Drunk Blogs the MTV Europe Awards
Funny an American is hosting the MTV EUROPE awards. Take that Europe! Our celebrities are prettier than yours! Borat is beaming in via satellite from Kazakhstan to give JT some advice. Is anyone sick of Borat yet? Yeah, me either.
Wild Europe - 7:30pm
The story of Europe, from the birth of the continent through to modern day. No other continent has such a variety of landscapes and wildlife. What gives Europe this incredible diversity
Eurabia - Europe’s Future?
“Europe is undergoing two profound changes. The first is the weakening of Christianity. Presently, across Europe, there are only two-thirds the number of lilliput-information comments: Etncic fertility I Europe (1-1.2 child a
Why Religion Keeps Europe and America from Getting Along
This lecture, Why Religion Keeps Europe and America from Getting Along, will offer an assessment Tied together by a common history and common interests, it is common to think of America and Europe as two branches of the same tree.
Sony's Harrison Won't Commit to March PS3 Launch for Europe
Will the PlayStation 3 launch in Europe in March or not? It seems as if Sony doesn't even know the answer. SCE Worldwide Studios president Phil Harrison wouldn't commit to the March launch date in a recent interview on a semi official
Europe it possible Al Qaeda target
Europe it possible Al Qaeda target Al Qaeda may be planning to attack rail and air travel in Europe -- possibly targeting the busy holiday travel season -- according to intelligence findings, the "CBS Evening News" reported on
Prewar Press Cameras, US vs Europe
Before WW2, while there were many photogrphers using Leicas, Rollies, etc, the usual equipment for press photographers in the US was a 4x5 Speed Graphic, with a Zeiss Tessar 135mm lens, and shooting

SECRET SOCIETY - The Official Europe Site
Click here to enter.
Europe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Europe is the world's second-smallest continent in terms of area, For detailed description of the boundary between Asia and Europe see here.
Europe Direct
Questa pagina fornisce informazioni sul servizio Europe Direct.
EUROPA - Gateway to the European Union
Debate Europe - Have your say on the future of Europe! European Year of Workers' Mobility 2006 · growth and jobs - working together for Europe's future
Europ Assistance
Specializzata in servizi di soccorso e assistenza personalizzati che coprono viaggi, vacanze, auto, moto, casa, salute e vita professionale.
CNN Europe
Provides continuous coverage and analysis of issues impacting Europe and the world. Available in English, German, and Italian.
Italy Hotels, Italy Hotel Reservations
Italy Hotels by Travel Europe. Hotel Reservations in Italy with Instant Confirmation, No Pre-Payment. From cheap hotels to luxury accommodation in Italy,
BBC NEWS | Europe
Visit BBC News for up-to-the-minute news, breaking news, video, audio and feature stories. BBC News provides trusted World and UK news as well as local and
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