Firefox 2 releases privacy storm The most-awaited Firefox 2.0 was launched by the Mozilla Foundation yesterday - and immediately generated a storm of protests over privacy issues. Key to privacy concerns is that Mozilla have set up their long-awaited phishing It's Not Just Standing Up: Patterns for Daily Stand-up Meetings Updated web site: Those who've read Jason Yip's blog know that he is a thoughtful advocate of agile methods. In this article he discusses how make stand-up meetings work. Stand-ups (also known as scrums) are short daily status meetings The Arrogance of SEO I'm tired of the arrogance within the SEO community, specifically with those that claim themselves to be the keepers of all true and correct SEO knowledge. Maybe other industries have their own similar issues that I don't know about, Sandbox Garry Trudeau launches a milblog called The Sandbox. NY Daily News: Trudeau has managed something many war supporters maintain is not possible: taking the side of the troops who are fighting the war while consistently lampooning those Top Italian Web Apps As well as being reigning world football champions, Italy has a number of world class web apps. Yes, Italy is the 10th country to be profiled in Read/WriteWeb's Top International Web Apps series. The others so far have been Germany, articolo di giornale suo razzismo Very good site! Thank you Shooting 'Lost': Bring on the bug spray Fans spend hours obsessing over “Lost’s” complicated plot points, but have they ever wondered what it’s like shooting in a dank lava cave? Or how hard it must be to re-create London, Korea or Nigeria — on the island of Oahu? MetaProgramming Refactoring Reflexive metaprogramming have been part of programmer consciousness for a long time. It's been possible in many languages in one way or another. Some have embraced it more than other, and among these the most prominent are Lisp, Impact of Overtime on Productivity More features will always bring more revenue, more customer satisfaction, other good things. Therefore there is always pressure for people to work harder, longer hours. This is demonstrably a Bad Idea. Here's some evidence, and some Flat Daddy NYTimes. I’ve posted numerous times about virtual characters (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8), and in my posts I’ve always been critical of shallow, cardboard-cutout characters. I’ve always had trouble understanding how players can tolerate them.
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Apogeonline - Palladium: la Soluzione Finale secondo Microsoft e Intel Gli esempi proposti nell'articolo sono rassicuranti: l'utente potrà scrivere e-mail che soltanto le persone autorizzate potranno copiare o inoltrare ad :: ARTICOLO 1 :: Articolo 1 è un’Agenzia per il Lavoro a capitale interamente italiano, certificata UNI EN ISO 9001:2000. Offre competenze, esperienze di Articolo 21 il blog d'informazione indipendente con Blog-notiziario. Tutte le news che i media non passano sia per interesse che per negligenza. Aggiornamento aperiodico. Informazione indipendente. L'Articolo - Sito chiuso LARTICOLO.IT. SITO BLOCCATO. Articolo -- Fucinaweb - Idee per forgiare siti Articoli, risorse e corsi online gratuiti per aiutarti a progettare e creare siti web usabili e accessibili, secondo gli standard. la Repubblica/mondo: Le guerre sante passione e ragione Bisogna ricordare che fa parte della cultura occidentale anche Hitler che bruciava i libri e condannava l'arte degenerata Le guerre sante passione e ragione Ma i seguaci della Mela non sono più una setta - Scienza Stampa questo articolo Invia questo articolo. LINK CORRELATI. I visionari del garage che cambiarono la storia · Ma i seguaci della Mela Login [Login]. Stai accedendo ad un'area riservata: ti preghiamo di specificare il tuo account utente. Se non sei iscritto, puoi farlo qui. Email. Password