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Med Center starts anti-smoking campaign
The University of Kansas Medical Center received $1.2 million to fund the anti-smoking program. After completing the program 65 percent of people had quit smoking, and 28 percent were still not smoking six months later
Pfizer's Anti-Smoking Pill Champix® Approved in Europe
- More Than 1.2 Million Europeans Die of Smoking-Related Diseases Each Year; WHO Estimates the Annual Financial Burden of Smoking in Europe at $165 Billion (euro 130 Billion) by 2010
Anti-Smoking Advocate Claims that Seconds of Tobacco Smoke
According to this advocate, who is a cardiologist in Minnesota and whose heart center is affiliated with a Minnesota anti-smoking organization, just passing through a smoke-filled room is enough to trigger a heart attack.
Hollywood Company Agrees to Anti-smoking Ads Before Movies
In September, the Attorneys General of 41 states sent a letter to Hollywood's 13 major movie studios asking them to include anti-smoking public service announcements (PSA's) before any movie containing smoking. The Weinstein Company is
An Insider's View of Philip Morris' Anti-Smoking Campaign
youth anti-smoking television ads funded by tobacco companies are ineffective, the Center for Mental Health and Media at the Harvard Medical School. tobacco companies (and their anti-smoking media materials) must receive
Attorney General Stumbo Provides Hollywood with Anti-Smoking
Attorney General Stumbo announced today that he has again called upon Hollywood’s major motion picture studios to insert anti-smoking public service announcements in all DVDs, videos and other newer home viewing formats of movies in
Without Sufficient Evidence, At Least 25 Anti-Smoking Groups
To my surprise, it now turns out that a large number of anti-smoking groups are Center for Media and Democracy: "In 1986, US Surgeon General C. Everett Koop Anti-smoking groups appear to be so anxious to heighten the emotional
Contra Costa Times Article Questions Whether Anti-Smoking Measures
Contra Costa Times questions whether anti-smoking measures are going too far, opened a multimillion-dollar wellness center, with a medical and fitness center. I'm still waiting for a US anti-smoking group, any of them,
Moment of Truth for Anti-Smoking Groups Has Arrived
Why the Response is Critical: ASH is one of the most important national anti-smoking organizations and has been at the center of the movement for decades. 2. SmokeFreeOhio The Claim: "After twenty minutes of exposure to secondhand smoke
The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia
The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University: The Citizens' Commission to Protect the Truth and The National Center on That Claims Tobacco Company Anti-Smoking Ads May Have Harmful Effects on Youth

Antismoking Center Legnago
Centro per il trattamento antifumo. Smetti di fumare in un'unica seduta di 20 minuti con certificato di garanzia. A Legnago (VR) tel 0442 602298.
Centri antitabacco - tabagismo - legge antifumo - statistiche nel mondo e suggerimenti per smettere di fumare Oltre 23.000 visite certificate.
Smettere di fumare - abbattere la dipendenza da fumo - Antismoking
ANTISMOKING CENTER MODENA - SASSUOLO - VIGNOLA Modena: Via Nonantolana 314 Sassuolo: Via Tien An Men, 9 (Presso poliambulatorio Euromedical)
Antismoking Center: franchising decondizionamento fumo
Apri un franchising Antismoking Center! Core business: decondizionamento fumo - Fatturato medio annuo: € - Investimento richiesto: €
Antismoking Center Bergamo - Ti facciamo smettere di fumare
Antismoking Center - Bergamo - Con noi anche tu potrai dire 'No grazie, io non fumo più'

Smettere di fumare - abbattere la dipendenza da fumo - Antismoking
ANTISMOKING CENTER MODENA - SASSUOLO - VIGNOLA Modena: Via Nonantolana 314 Sassuolo: Via Tien An Men, 9 (Presso poliambulatorio Euromedical)
Antismoking Center: franchising decondizionamento fumo
Apri un franchising Antismoking Center! Core business: decondizionamento fumo - Fatturato medio annuo: € - Investimento richiesto: €
Antismoking Center Bergamo - Ti facciamo smettere di fumare
Antismoking Center - Bergamo - Con noi anche tu potrai dire 'No grazie, io non fumo più'
Nonfumopiu - Centro Italiano Antifumo per il Piemonte - Smetti
Il sito propone un metodo per smettere di fumare ed offre numerose sezioni di approfondimento tematico.
Antismoking Center - (Roma)
Farmacittà - il network della sanità in Italia: Farmacie, Ospedali, Informazioni Mediche.
antismoking center giusta soluzione smettere fumare roma RM Lazio
Antismoking Center - Antismoking Center la giusta soluzione per smettere di fumareroma RM Lazio.
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