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CodePlex Project Statistics for Wednesday, November 08, 2006
CodePlex Project Statistics for Wednesday, November 08, 2006. Most Popular Projects. AJAX Control Toolkit; SameDesk; "Ascend.Net" Windows Forms Controls; patterns & practices - Web Client Software Factory; patterns & practices Guidance
K-Fed: Playing With Pennies
TMZ.com: Kevin Federline is apparently already worried about life after Britney, at least money-wise. The soon-to-be cash-strapped rapper was seen buying some briefs at a Wal-Mart in Maryland, and according to one report was staying at
Hottest Videos -- Week of 11/05
TMZ.com: Former "Fat Actress" Kirstie Alley kept her promise to show up on "Oprah" in a bikini. The crowd showed its approval as she dropped her sarong. Check the video, if you dare, and see what you think.
This Week's Biggest Losers 11/11/06
TMZ.com: For Hollywood Republicans like James Woods, Patricia Heaton and Kelsey Grammer, this week was about as much fun as a root canal. Right up there with the kick-in-the-teeth experiences of these woeful celebs.
US Business and Technology Leaders at Odds on Disaster Readiness
EMC logo, US Business and Technology Leaders at Odds on Disaster Readiness According to New Poll. EMC/RoperASW Opinion Poll Finds More Than Half of Senior IT Executives Feel Very Vulnerable to Losing Data in Disaster
turgid: Dictionary.com Word of the Day
turgid: swollen, bloated; also, bombastic, pompous
Baywatch Babe Neriah Davis Wearing Next to Nothing!
Since being in Playboy, Neriah has been very busy with modeling and acting projects, including roles on Baywatch, Married with Children, and Suddenly Susan. She also maintains a website, www.neriah.com. She lives in Santa Monica.
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Get 2 FREE books and a FREE mystery gift from eHarlequin.com Get 2 Free Books just for giving Harlequin Med. Channel: Books Tags: harlequin romance romance novels free book love romance
A review of ReviewMe
The following is a sponsored post, paid for by ReviewMe and it's advertisers, a new service that rewards bloggers (in monetary form) for reviews. I first read about ReviewMe on Techcrunch in an article that basically stated

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