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lettore Mp3/AAC, supporto Java, e- mail, doppio Altoparlante, suonerie polifoniche e Instant Messaging. O2 XDA Exec è dotato anche di Pocket Office per la visualizzazione di documenti Word, Excel,
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In my last post, I invited bloggers to debate the question whether video interaction (i.e., "click to call" video calling and video messaging) is a

Instant Messaging - Wikipedia
Die folgenden Tabellen enthalten generelle und technische Informationen der meisten Instant Messaging-Programme und Protokolle zur Kommunikation mit einem
SOAP Version 1.2 Part 1: Messaging Framework
W3C Working Draft 9 July 2001. SOAP version 1.2 is a lightweight protocol for exchange of information in a decentralized, distributed environment.
Instant Messaging Planet
Get information on unified messaging, IP call centers, collaboration and more. As enterprises formally adopt instant messaging, its convergence with
Messaging, E-mail and Instant Messaging - Network World
The Messaging research center is your source for the latest Messaging, E-mail and Instant Messaging news, tests and analysis from Network World.
Chat - Programmi - Instant Messaging - www.mondochat.it
Mondochat - Il sito italiano informativo sul mondo delle chat.

SOAP Version 1.2 Part 1: Messaging Framework
W3C Working Draft 9 July 2001. SOAP version 1.2 is a lightweight protocol for exchange of information in a decentralized, distributed environment.
Instant Messaging Planet
Get information on unified messaging, IP call centers, collaboration and more. As enterprises formally adopt instant messaging, its convergence with
Messaging, E-mail and Instant Messaging - Network World
The Messaging research center is your source for the latest Messaging, E-mail and Instant Messaging news, tests and analysis from Network World.
Chat - Programmi - Instant Messaging - www.mondochat.it
Mondochat - Il sito italiano informativo sul mondo delle chat.
Howstuffworks "How Instant Messaging Works"
Every day, billions of e-mail messages are sent. But sometimes even e-mail isn't fast enough. Learn about instant messaging and check out what you can do
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TXT Messaging is the way to stay connected. It's fast and easy and a great addition to your overall wireless phone experience. Send a text message to
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FeedCrier per ricevere le notifiche dei feed via Instant Messaging Instant Messaging Rules: A Business Guide to Managing Policies, Security,
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