********************************************** * VARIABLE STAR EPHEMERIS * * 1996, S. Foglia, Serafino Zani Observatory * ********************************************** Variable Star Ephemeris is written by Sergio Foglia, S. Zani Observatory, using Turbo C 2.0 computer language. This software contains the following files: LOCATION.DAT GCVS85.DAT RCZNIK.DAT VSE.EXE VSE.TXT (this file) VSESETUP.EXE Use only minus characters in Variable Star Ephemeris. Insert date as follow: 1996 june 3 -> 1996 6 3 (not 1996 06 03). ************** * RCZNIK.DAT * ************** RCZNIK.DAT is an ASCII file taht contains ROCZNIK data about Eclipsing Binary variable stars. User may change these data or add some of new variable stars in this file. When you're adding new variable star in RCZNIK.DAT, you will be sure to write before the row "Endfile ...". The format of the variable star data is as follow: yy RZ CAS EA/SD 6.2 7.7 2443200.3063 1.195247 2 48 53 69 38.1 17 0.025 yn SU CAS DCEPS 5.7 6.2 2438000.598 1.949319 2 51 56 68 53.4 40 0.000 nn Endfile A 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0.0 --+----------+--------+-----+-----+-------------+----------------+---------+--------+------+--------+ CS| NAME | TYPE |MMAX |MMIN | EPOCH | PERIOD | R.A. | DECL. |M-m,D | O-C | --+----------+--------+-----+-----+-------------+----------------+---------+--------+------+--------+ C Code Key y = compute ephemeris, n = not compute epehemeris; S Code Key y = ephemeris for selected altitude minima, n = complete ephemeris; NAME Variable Star Name, TYPE Type of Variable Star, MMAX Maximum Magnitude, MMIN Minimum Magnitude, EPOCH Epoch of Ephemeris (JD), PERIOD Period of Variation (days), R.A. Right Ascension (hours minutes seconds), DECL. Declination (degrees minutes). M-m D This is the duration of light increase from minimum to maximum (M-m) for physical variables, or the duration of eclipse (D) for Algol-type stars. The uncertainty code (:), while an asterisk (*) means that the duration of the light constancy phase at minimum light (d) for an eclipser is equal to zero. O-C Observations - Computed in days (0.000 default) from [2]-[5] the format of variable star data is shown after the "Endfile..." rwo, too. *********** * VSE.EXE * *********** VSE.EXE computes ephemeris for all variable stars located in GCVS85.DAT or RCZNIK.DAT file whose correspond the 'y' C-code key. Ephemeris of variable stars preceeded by 'n' C-code key aren't computed. User must insert what is the ephemeris database that is active in computing (GCVS85 or RCZNIK), date of ephemeris begin and ephemeris end, the minimum height of variable stars above horizon in degrees, the maximum height of Sun above horizon in degrees, the magnitude limit and the minimum range of magnitude. Condition in height above horizon is true for variable stars located in GCVS85.DAT (or RCZNIK.DAT) file whose correspond the 'y' S-code key; ephemeris complete is given for variable stars preceeded by 'n' S-code. Only the selected events are written in GCVS85.OUT file (or in RCZNIK.OUT file), it is the output file that contains ephemeris; GCVS85.OUT (or RCZNIK.OUT) is an ASCII file and its format is as follow: VSE: Variable Star Ephemeris v.4.0 1999, S.Foglia, Serafino Zani Observatory ************************************************************* * Ephemeris of Variable Stars for 1999/ 5/ 1 - 1999/ 7/ 1 * ************************************************************* Ephemeris for Milano ______________________Above horizon______________________ Variable Stars height >= 20.0 Sun height <=-18.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Variable : RZ CAS Type : EA/SD Magn. : 6.2 - 7.7 Period : 1.19525 M-m or D : 17 O-C : 36.0 min -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date U.T. h az Date U.T. h az 1999 5 1 23:53 24.9 1.9 1999 5 7 23:18 24.8 0.8 1999 5 13 22:44 24.8 359.8 1999 5 19 22:10 24.9 358.8 1999 5 25 21:36 24.9 357.7 1999 6 14 0:34 32.3 20.4 1999 6 20 0:00 31.6 19.6 1999 6 25 23:26 31.0 18.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Variable : SU CAS Type : DCEPS Magn. : 5.7 - 6.2 Period : 1.94932 M-m or D : 40 O-C : 0.0 min -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date U.T. h az Date U.T. h az 1999 5 2 7:14 50.3 30.7 1999 5 4 6:01 44.4 29.9 1999 5 6 4:48 38.9 27.3 1999 5 8 3:35 33.9 23.3 1999 5 10 2:22 29.8 18.4 1999 5 12 1:09 26.7 12.7 1999 5 13 23:56 24.8 6.6 1999 5 15 22:43 24.1 0.2 1999 5 17 21:30 24.7 353.7 1999 5 19 20:17 26.6 347.6 1999 5 21 19:04 29.6 341.9 1999 5 23 17:51 33.7 336.9 1999 5 25 16:38 38.6 332.9 1999 5 27 15:25 44.1 330.2 1999 5 29 14:12 50.0 329.3 1999 5 31 12:59 55.8 330.9 1999 6 2 11:46 60.7 335.7 1999 6 4 10:33 64.7 345.2 1999 6 6 9:20 66.3 358.9 1999 6 8 8:07 65.1 12.9 1999 6 10 6:54 61.4 23.2 1999 6 12 5:41 56.3 28.8 1999 6 14 4:28 50.6 30.7 1999 6 16 3:15 44.7 30.0 1999 6 18 2:02 39.1 27.4 1999 6 20 0:49 34.1 23.5 1999 6 21 23:36 30.0 18.6 1999 6 23 22:23 26.8 13.0 1999 6 25 21:10 24.8 6.9 1999 6 27 19:57 24.1 0.5 1999 6 29 18:44 24.6 354.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date and U.T. is the U.T. istant of event (year month day, horus and minutes), h is the height of variable star above horizon, az is the azimuth of variable star (0=North, 90=East, 180=South, 270=West). **************** * VSESETUP.EXE * **************** VSESETUP.EXE set user location. This program upgrade LOCATION.DAT file (author's geographich coordinates is default location). Place name: insert your place name (maximum 50 characters), Longitude : insert your longitude, i.e. 12 0 32.2 for West, -9 18 34.5 for East, Latitude : insert your latitude, i.e. 45 28 0.3 for North, -22 1 14.3 for South, Altitude : insert your altitude, i.e. 234.4 **************** * LOCATION.DAT * **************** This file contains the user's location; its format is as follows: Milano -9.139667 45.191111 126.500000 ******************* * Acknowledgement * ******************* Thanks to Dr. A. Gaspani (Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera), for valuable suggestions. ****** To obtain Variable Star Ephemeris please send a 3«" diskette to the author. You can distribute this software free to observers. For any further information, please contact: FOGLIA Sergio Serafino Zani Observatory Via F. Bisleri 11 I-20148 Milano Italy Internet: s.foglia@libero.it References: [1] General Catalogue of Variable Stars, 4th edition, (Kholopov et al. 1985-88), Computer-Readable Version, Wayne H. Warren Jr., September 1988 (Revised June 1989), Doc. No. NSSDC/WDC-A-R&S 88-23, National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC)/World Data Center A for Rockets and Satellites (WDC-A-R&S), National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771 [2] M.E. Baldwin, G.Samolyk, Observed Minima Timings of Eclipsing Binaries - number 1 1993, American Association of Variable Star Observers [3] M.E. Baldwin, G.Samolyk, Observed Minima Timings of Eclipsing Binaries - number 2 1995, American Association of Variable Star Observers [4] M.E. Baldwin, G.Samolyk, Observed Minima Timings of Eclipsing Binaries - number 3 1996, American Association of Variable Star Observers [5] M.E. Baldwin, G.Samolyk, Observed Minima Timings of Eclipsing Binaries - number 4 1997, American Association of Variable Star Observers